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So lets get this started.
Opening for Commission ideas until the beginning third of next month (10th April 2023) to ensure that everyone has plenty of time to see this and PM me with what they would like, and also give me time to polish off all the pieces I have coming up very soon.

This is NOT a first come first serve situation so dont worry if you spot this later then anyone else.
I will simply pick the 3 pieces that appeal to me most of all.

For anyone keeping tabs, the details were mentioned in a previous post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/fluff-dates-and-77270770
But I shall copy them here for clarity:

$70 for Line Work per full character in my default style (like before you may also have the source files if you choose to have the piece coloured another way).
$130 fully coloured and shaded per full character in my default style.

Background can range from simple $10 to $60 fully coloured depending on complexity.
There is room for adjustment across the board as sometimes a character is half out of shot depending on the scene so things like that will be taken into consideration on a case by case basis.

As usual its any character, angle or pose as long as they agree with my normal rule set:
-No under age or under age looking characters as a fetish or sexual focus.
-No genitalia on show (nudity is still fine).
-No Scat.
-No using other peoples characters without me getting their permission first.

(Please note that there are no rules saying it has to be paw/foot related and gore is also allowed. You may request to remain anonymous if that's what you'd prefer)!
Will make a price sheet when I have some time which will simply have the details here in a prettier format.

Now is a good time to mention that there will be a collaboration piece made public by myself and Leo-Artis fairly soon. My characters, his idea, my line work and perspective, his colouring and tweaks!

The remaining 3 of my gift colours are currently over 50% complete to give an idea of my progress there.

This months exclusive will be a more traditionally dark picture! Hope it doesn't spark too much controversy but Ive had too many colourful/playful pics here lately!

Lastly apologies to anyone keeping an eye out for the Bundle of Paws YCH slots!
That will be made available at a later date however a lot of work cropped up lately and it seemed like the one thing I could reasonably push back.


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