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Need to put up a sign saying "No Pool Noodles".

Continuing my mission to draw a new dragon for each of the main colours, I have shades or Teal, Turquoise and highlights of aqua on this cheeky little aquatic Noodle for some colourful water games.




That looks like fun


I love the water


Ye its a very different approach to what Ive drawn before and water is always a pain to deal with. Could still do with some work but its good enough for now.

Jayden Maurice

I absolutely love the way you did the water, very impressive! Quite an interesting perspective.


The water looks great! :) Love how some of these poses turned out!


Its been floating around in my mind for a while so I finally decided to pull it off. Think I can make quite a few improvements to it yet but for now and to stay on track with my deadlines it achieves what I wanted from it.


Its a bit of an experimental piece after playing it a little too safe last month. Feels great to have given it a go and be sure to pop back at a later date for a more populated version.


I like coiling. Smooth is nice, especially underwater.


You just opened a new avenue of possibilities. All species with paws of all types bare for all to see. Admirers would be overwhelmed.


My phone takes photos underwater. Not that I would do such a thing!


Finally have some time to comment. Hunky dragon, but so mean. Hope the otter can hold his breath long enough. That's why I stay outside the water. The lady knows what I mean.


Others soft webbed feet, and love frogs


There's no time limit on comments (Just look at how late my response is)! The only time limit is on this otters lung capacity. The life guard has his own issues going on and everyone else seems too be busy with other things to notice! Sneaky slippery dragon!


Got one in my gallery at last! Still have quite a few others to capture yet.