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Since Zootopia+ is a thing ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrH0RfdQk0I ) I thought I would show off some of my old works for the Zootopia themed pictures Ive done starting with "Lets Dance, Toe to Toe" https://www.furaffinity.net/view/29858070/

This sketch had to be a little more accurate since there would be no clean line-work stage as I wanted to give it a slightly more CG look which meant that outlines were out and fur effects were in!

And being one of my early attempts at fur I may have bitten off more then I could chew with white fur in particular! 

To get this result I simply traced the individual limps as if they were all separate and layered them on top of one another before relying on shading to set them apart.

The money shot in the making. A lot of foot artists will have battled with the idea of increasing the number of toes for these characters for their own preference. I too fall into the camp of fans who think a 4th digit in most cases would look better and on a bear, even a 5th!...
However I do have a very strict rule about making my own fan art as true to the original intentions as a sign of respect to the intentions of the creators. So the challenge was to create chunky looking polar-bear paws with fewer toes to help widen them out. And I do like a challenge!

With some fine details added and more to come in layers, we have what's starting to look like the final product. Now to make Mr Big!

This shows some of the layers involved to make this tiny little fellow!

With everything else in place and the background based on his cold looking office, all that needs doing is inserting him in the correct place.
Those with a keen eye will notice that our bear now has heel pads!!! This was a later fix introduced thanks to the fact that Zootopia+ gave us all a clear shot of the Polar bears soles to confirm that this was in fact part of their design all along.

A fun thing about tickling in this setup is that it doesn't matter how big you are, if you are ticklish then even the smallest of creatures can get one over you. Fortunately for Mr Big its an easy hop from his desk to the pads of Kevin who must have upset his him recently!
Decided to go with the Italian folk dance known as "Tarantella" which we see Mr Big's close friends and family do as it involves a lot of toe tapping work!

Since viewing the Mr Big short from plus I now know that the polar bears have a heel pad so this image will eventually have to get a patch of its own!



I prefer Stu


Well Stu gets to be the main character in the 1st new short that's out now!


It's very impressive that you name all the layers properly. Mine are usually called Layer 8 copy 2 copy copy.


If I was only dealing with about 10 layers I wouldn't bother but since there are so many now, I like to colour coordinate and name things. Especially since I occasionally go back to edit old pics and have spent a good amount of time clicking through trying to find the problem area!