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This creature known as Gargala Teras lurks under the bed on Halloween night until an unsuspecting victim is fast asleep on the mattress above. Creeping its long metatarsus up and around the bed sides to immobilize every limb, it makes the victim its play thing for the rest of the night until sun rise where it will seemingly vanish back into the shadows below!

Only targets those with intense Gargalaphobia...

Sleep well tonight and have a horrifying Halloween!




Good thick feet on that little guy


I love Gargalaphobia. You should use that more often. Good victims to play with make it even more fun.


Ive only written it into one character in the past but I'm glad I got to make full use of it for a horrifying image specifically. Feels like a big pay off for not over indulging. Think of it like drawing a stocks picture. They are literally the perfect thing for the job, but if you use them too much or have no justifiable reason to bring them in then they lose all impact!