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Got myself a nice scary image planned for this Halloween called "The tickle monster" with a very small preview for now!

I dont think this Red Panda will be able to sleep well for quite some time after this Halloween.

Since I'm actually going for something creepy here, I might just up this to mature when submitted depending on how well I pull it off.

In the mean time I thought Id show off some small improvements Ive made to art in the past with this side by side format! Tiny things seem to bug me so I sometimes go back to see if I can make things better. No reason why you cant patch in fixes like devs do this games.

(Old is on the left and new on the right).

Wolf got a big upgrade to match his Ultimate look but the darker background seemed more fitting to the villains setting and also helped the characters pop a bit in this messy cluster!

This ones more of a bunch of subtle fixes with slight proportions being changed for Shepard.

Some colour correction and design inaccuracy's got fixed with this old Thundercats pic.

Apart from Monkians missing hand and awful face, I somehow put lighter soles and palms on Jacklalman even though he hasn't got them in the show but then didn't with Slithe even though he does have them! (It was early days).

More dogs! Most importantly the ones from the scene that tie Charlie rather then just the one odd goon in the middle. Now it looks like the pack are together.

Sometimes its a simple matter of time constraints that prevent me from putting all the details in that I want on the first pass.

There are plenty more images Ive done corrections for but I tend keep the spirit of the original intact so its not too jarring or detracting from what made the original what it was.



I think you need to do a download link for high rez


Ooooohh this is really cool, I actually really enjoy content like this, really love watching the process and decision-making that artists do with their work its so damn cool to me <3 Other than the obvious I love wolf comment, i actually have a strong attraction towards Shepard since he was first debuted, he looks so damn incredible in those shades, hope to see more of him later down the line <3 <3 <3 Process of creation always piques my interest, keep up the great work