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I feel like this update has the potential to displease a lot of people but I have been playing quite safe lately so its time to take a risk or two!

Lets start with the most relevant thing... Next exclusive I'm working on will be a torturous sequel to "Kneel before your new King!"
Fair WARNING that this one will be a little on the crueller and darker side of things so brace yourself for that!

Its going to be the hottest day here ever on Tuesday and my current sandals are very well worn now so I decided to do a little shoe shopping and came across this brand called "RAX" which caught my eye. They not only do the paw print design I was working on a custom project for but they also use a very similar shape and logo design as me too!

Pretty cool huh!
Seems like their recent sale has left them with limited stocks though.

And continuing on from that mention of my old saddles which have clear foot indentations on the sole of my own now (something that inspired the detail on my recent Blaidd image).
I had a thought that perhaps there are some people that would be interested in buying them now! I will model them and send out pictures to anyone who's interested via PMs to make me an offer as I know some are not too keen on the human foot aesthetic!
And yes I'm aware that this is a shameless footpaw equivalent of gamer girl bath water, but if it makes someone's day then I'm all for it, and if not they can go in the bin!

Item description: Used, paw condition, slightly damaged and well worn.
UK size 10 (US 10.5) sold as a pair only.

Will announce the 7 names for the Final gift collection at the end of the month. Will be naming it Final from here on rather then season 10 so that there's no confusion.

I do have some ideas for gift replacements but mostly the time will be put towards more exclusive content here.



"Darker and crueler"...On one hand I'm very curious to see what you mean by that, on the other hand the big warning in capital letters also do worries me: I don't see how it could be more violent than your "good bye to paws" picture, which was already too much for me fetish-wise. It's the temptation of looking, and maybe seeing things that can't be unseen : curiosity killed the cat! ^^" Nevertheless, thank you for the warning, and I'm still intrigued: I hope most of your fans will like it! :)


Do it


Probably not! But I have to do it because no one else will! That's always been one of my driving forces.