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Firstly for the full version https://www.patreon.com/posts/53002397

Once Ive got an idea of what the theme of a picture is going to involve, I do a super basic scribble sketch like so!

This is so I have an idea of what the best camera angle will be to get a shot at the action.
Its especially important in piece with a lot of character as I dont want to cover up a crucial detail like the subjects face because someone else was standing in the way.

For those who aren't as familiar with my OC stuff, I have a golden rule about not resorting to floating ghost hands or feathers. While they would alleviate any issues like coving up details, I will always take the harder options to draw an entire extra character or rotate the camera to get a better shot of the action so that the chemistry between characters is characters maintained! 

Playing about with some faces and angles. No need for marking consistency at this point. Aiming to get a top down like view going and side leaning body's are tricky to draw!

Hyenas are known for having a powerful jaw so its essential to have a primitive bar gag to stop him snapping at his captors! Since Hyenas are also somewhat similar to Wild Dogs, I opted for a striped Hyena to set him apart from the more blotchy patterns of the rest.
Given that my foot licking ler is now in a new position from his original basic sketch, I added an entirely new ler in the middle for the very important job of crotch stepping! A naked bondage position like this wouldn't leave much to the imagination otherwise!

The rest of the crew are here to create a nice crowded pack like situation. You can see little cuts here and there for minor adjustments but there will be a lot more shifting things about to come. Having got to this point its time to consider that background! With everything from the foreground sketch done there was a noticeable space in the upper right of the image to fill!

A simple idea but still one I needed references for. Some simple huts help sell the tribal vibe I'm going for.

And with that comes the long but essential clean line-work stage. With this much in one shot, I would say that this step took approximately 4 hours which is about as long as I spent on planning and sketching everything else from scratch before it!
People tend to like zooming right in so the clarity of everything needs to be spot on even right up close.
Each character has been given their own distinct characteristic at this point with a small theme of rings and wraps for clothing.

Now its just a matter of colouring everything which is something I will elaborate more on in the next WIP submission post.



I love the first one. Would like to see more of those.


Oh I have plenty of them. They are funny because of how crude they are. This is a big scan of it as you may be able to tell from the graphite markings but its usually no bigger then a few centimetres across.


Thanks a lot for showing the process! :) I have a few questions: 1) Do you use references for the poses, or do you now have a good grasp on anatomy? These are rather complex poses, but it's hard to find references that can be so specific. 2) What kind of tool do you use to ink, is it just a regular brush? It looks so precise I'm wondering if you're using something like vector lines (which I have no clue how to use!). 3) Roughly how many hours does a complex picture like this take you?


1: I have a relatively good grasp now so I need far fewer references. Your right in that the poses I go for aren't something I can just type in a search for to get exactly what I want but part of being an artist is to be able to create these sorts of things from scratch when required! 2: They are vector lines in "Paint Tool SAI". Of all the programs I have gone through Ive found this one to be the easiest to use with just a mouse (I'm awful with learning programs so trust me when I say "if I can use it, you will be able to" as its just that simple and intuitive for line-work specifically). 3: This ones big because of the number of characters so Ive worked out that on average, per character it takes me 30mins to plot and sketch, 1.5 hours to do clean lines, 1.5 hours to colour and shade with 30 bonus mins for final tweaks and corrections. So that's 4 hours per character if all goes smoothly making this a 24 hour pic with another 2/3 hours on for a background stuff! For me the clean line-work stage is the most important as that's where the anatomy and everything has to look right and also read well to the viewer even if things get cluttered!