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Up until now Ive been sure to submit new art only once its been fully coloured and detailed.
Of course colours and background elements greatly increase the amount of time I spend on each submission. Its effort Im more then happy to put in for you all so here is the question!

Do you think it would detract from the final results if I were to submit the polished line work here before everything else is added OR would you rather wait for the 100% complete piece like you have been already?

The reason I ask is because I value the surprise and wow factor of each submission but am constantly feeling like one or two pictures per month is a little thin in regards to content output. The line work would basically be a way of bulking things out a little.

What say you?



Hehe well great to ask us about that ^^, well personnaly I I haven't problems to wait you post the full finished pic. You maybe submit 1 or 2 pics by months but the difference with you is each of your works are perfect as much in the background that shading and other so even if we wait we know you'll give us a perfect quality work ! So now it depend of you, you can still post a not finished version here before post the full in an other place if you want try to have more content fastly. But it's you that decide, I think it's not a problem for your fan to wait but if you prefer give them fast content it can be interesting indeed. So in conclusion I think it's a good idea to post not full finished draw just here on Patreon ^^


I will bare that in mind and wait for more feedback from some others. It was my intention to keep the line work here only but didn't want it to diluted the final product for you guys.


Personally I prefer quality over quantity. I’m perfectly fine waiting to see the finished product in its entirety. The surprise factor is a nice bonus on top of it all too.


This will probably be an unpopular opinion, but I appreciate your attention to details and also value the surprise factor, I'm afraid your final pieces would get less well-earned attention and enthusiasm if they actually had previews. We have a saying that sounds something like this: "You don't show a fool a job half done." ( : On the other hand, if there are any sketches or smth you don't feel like completing - I'd love to see those here.


I like that saying even if it reflects negatively on my fans! Glad to know people are happy to wait. I often see the better known artists pumping out pictures weekly and feel a little slow by comparison. Thanks for the reassurance.


Neat. I too like the surprise which is why I keep my updates relatively vague in terms of details. Like the announcement of a Footpaws Direct if you will. I suppose having just one or two pieces a month means that if I do put out some art that people arnt interested in, then they would have to wait a lot longer for something that might be more to their preference. Thanks for the input. Its good to get an idea of what you all think of my current offerings.


If you feel more comfortable with publishing your work, once it is finished, I'd say that's fine. That said, every composition doesn't need to be fully fleshed out, to the same degree of every other piece. If you wanted to come up with some simpler setups or scenarios, and say leave it lined (black and white), I would not be opposed to that either. Sometimes the simpler setups make more of an impact. If the current process is growing stale, or you are not comfortable with the pace of output, then perhaps some experimenting is in order.


I get that simple set ups can be just as appealing. If anything my I feel my pictures are less elaborate then most because I'm not complicating things with big machines or magic for the most part. The complexity comes from the camera angles most of the time. Id say my major concern is to do with other peoples desire for more art. I dont mind spending lots of time on something I like the idea of. But I do like the sound of putting line-work up after the picture has been fully revealed and I guess as long as lighting and colours dont play a major role in a pictures story then I could bypass it when the time is right.


Hmm... I consider you an artist of quality over quantity. I'm okay with you staying that way :) I agree with Jwock though - if you had any uncompleted works that you feel comfortable sharing in between pieces, that would be cool to see.


Usually when I start a project I see it through to the end.. even if thats not always immediately! The Zootopia pic I did took way longer then my average piece thanks to all the fur textures so I did it little by little between other projects over a few months as an example. I will have to look through my concepts and see if there are any less desirable pieces worth posting. Right now I can only think of a couple but as you can imagine, they are not pieces I'm proud of... Still perhaps showing them with an explanation as to why they didn't make the cut might give them some worth!


Line art is fine with me. Seeing what you do to finish it is a nice surprise too.


Well you can have the best of both worlds if I release the surprise colour version first followed by some line work.


only times i ask for wips and linearts is when i pay for it and want to see if its what i want before whoever i pay continues. i dont mind waiting for a finished product uwu