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So I will be submitting potential the last gift of season 2 shortly. 

Wanted to shout out to Richard Newman who has yet to get back to me with any sort of request.
Obviously I wont be waiting forever and will be looking into a season 3 in a few months time for those who joined a bit later on.  I will give Mr Newman another month to see this or respond.

Current final piece will be up in a couple of days but will be working on my next featured piece ready for the end of this month.

Just one clue for the theme right now and it involves a skunk!!!

Finally a big Thank you to all my Patreons. Your donations have been so helpful over the months and I cant wait to draw more for you all.



We all are happy to can help you with our supports and we thank you too for all the great stuff you do ^^. We'll continue to support you as long you'll need it dude so thanks for all !


You did such a great job with Ken. It still impresses me. So cool.


Very big of you to do stuff like this :) It's a great way to pay back the folks who are here just because they wanna support you!


They supported me with no promise of a gift and yet they did anyway! That's the kind of genuine fan that deserves a reward in my eyes, and I hope to set an example to other artists that you dont have to hold content behind a pay wall if people are genuine fans, and not just following to be part of an exclusive club!


Good to know. And thanks for being patient with my rate of submission. Cant wait to have another piece for everyone to enjoy.


Well I would hope to be able to draw my own characters with some level of accuracy. As always I'm more pleased to see each of my gifts has met peoples expectation.