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We're getting closer to release!

The past couple of days I have been putting together a trailer for the game: Having a trailer is a requirement to release on Steam, so with this done there really isn't much missing to get ready for launch!


At the top of the post you can see the work-in-progress trailer; although I hope not much is going to change still, honestly.

Overall, I'm very happy with the result, even if it's a very basic trailer—I've only used footage and music that are from the game, and the editing isn't all that wild...

But the way I see it, it's a very honest trailer: If you see this and don't want to play the game, chances are... you don't want to play the game, haha!

Also, don't tell anyone I'm using Camtasia to record/edit the trailer. All my video editing friends will run me out of town...

Steam Achievements

I have also been implementing achievements: A total of 10, so far!

Still may or may not add unique icons for each achievements, we'll see...

For the 10th achievement I have also added a new skin for the cars: Pizza delivery!

"I'll have one with, uuuuh, extra cheese, steel frame, and stick shift... oh, no olives."

There's only 5 of these cars in the entire city: If you manage to find and eat all of them, you are rewarded with an achievement, haha.

My Own Achievements System

On top of the Steam achievements, I have also implemented a custom, in-game achievements system: It also keeps track of which achievements you have and haven't unlocked and will show its own "achievement unlocked"-pop-up, when you unlock a new one!

Achievements overview; descriptions of hidden achievements have been censored.. those you'll have to figure out yourself!

Pop-up for unlocking the "Sniper" achievement. Am I a real gamer, now?

I plan to have a version of the game available on itch.io, which does not offer a an achievement system like Steam does: That's why having this in-game achievement system is a nice backup for itch players!

If you get the game off itch, your achievements will not be saved on some server and you don't get any bragging rights, because unlocked achievements won't show up in your online profile... But having the game keep track of achievements, locally, still gives you the chance of going achievement hunting, as a personal challenge!

Release, when?

Things are going well and shaping up nicely. So I'm starting to feel more and more confident about setting an actual release date, and sticking to it!

Problem is, I can't quite decide yet... but here's what I'm thinking:

That is, May 23th or 24th... one of two, hopefully!

May 26th I'll get on a plane to travel to Confuzzled, in the UK, so releasing the game one or two days before the convention should give me a bit of a breather, just in case something were to crash and burn, during release—but I'm optimistic things will go smooth!

As for pricing, I'm thinking of providing these two options:

  • itch.io: Pay-What-You-Want, recommended $3 (but free is an option, of course)
  • Steam: $5*

(*For Steam, the actual price will depend on your location: In many countries it will actually be less than $5.)

Patron Rewards

Credits Mentions ("Unity Capsule"-tier only)

With the release coming up I'll also finalize the game's credits and compile the final list of patron names: For this, I will reach out to current/previous "Unity Capsule"-tier supporters, to confirm their preferences in regards to crediting:

  • Do you want to be credited?
  • If yes, which name do you want to be credited as?

By default, I will just take your Patreon username: However, I will reserve the right to ask you to provide a different name, i.e. if it's too long, inappropriate, etc.

Steam Keys

I will get another batch of Steam keys, to give out to Patrons: Everyone who doesn't have a key yet and who has supported the game with a lifetime total of $3.50+ will get a key, regardless of tier: You can expect to receive a message with your personal key, a day or two before the official release!

Thank you for your Support!

Exciting times ahead, and lots to do! On top of all of this, I'm also still in the process of figuring out how to set up my business as self-employed indie game developer—but I'm really looking forward to finally releasing the game!


Pawperty Damage, Trailer

Patreon: https://patreon.com/darelooks Twitter: https://twitter.com/DareLooks Wishlist 'Pawperty Damage' on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2154650/Pawperty_Damage/


Xavier Loux

Congratulation! :3


Looking really good! Really looking forward to the game going live.