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Edit: Whoops, I think in the last version of this post, the URL to the poll got busted? Sorry! Just to be sure, it's this one: https://freeonlinesurveys.com/s/5emXcXJJ 

I'm back from Eurofurence and had a great time in Berlin; thanks to everyone who said hi!

I had so much fun showing the game to a bunch of people and give them the chance to play the current prototype!

What's the game called?

That's a question that came up a bunch of times, naturally. And, embarrassingly, I still don't have a definite answer to that!

A while ago, I did a poll with a couple of name ideas that I sent out to higher-tier patrons—now it's time for Round 2, this time asking everyone!

So, if you have been there for Round 1, you will remember some of the (most popular) titles, but there's a few new contenders, as well!

I'd kindly ask everyone to take the time and fill out the poll: The way it works, you can rank the options, from most to least favorite! (Which is also why I'm using an external poll, rather than Patreon's feature.)

Click here to go the Poll! 

Some explanations for the suggested names:

  • City Smashers, Town Buster, Crush It!: Simple. Pretty self-explanatory!
  • CatharCity: A portmanteau of "catharsis" and "city"—I think the game definitely offers a lot of catharsis, anyway, hah!
  • Townfall: A portmanteau of "town" and "downfall"
  • Under Destruction: One of my working titles, but maybe also just a good title, in general?
  • Sachschadenfreude: A pun I suggested as a joke, originally... but a few people actually really enjoyed it. Well, Germans, anyway, because it won't make much sense to non-German speakers. Schadenfreude is a fairly well known loan word, luckily; when translated literally, it basically means "joy of damage." Sachschaden means "property damage," so if you combine the two you get "joy of property damage," or Sachschadenfreude. It's a mouthful.
  • Pawperty Damage: As suggested, a pun with paw and property damage!

And as always, if you have additional ideas or comments: Please let me know! :)

Minor animation fix

Here's a small fix to Mig's walk animation. I haven't shown this guy in a lot of footage, lately, mostly because I felt his walking animation looked silly/bad: Turns out, some of the animation curves didn't get exported from Blender (or the rigging add-on, I use). So I finally looked into fixing that! And while I was at it, I did a few more tweaks, too.

Before and after: It's subtle, but on the left side you'll notice that the hip isn't moving at all, making it look a lot less natural. Finally, my dear himbo son has his leisurely stride back—yay!

Thanks for your Support!

And I absolutely wish I could have shown the game to even more people! Really hope it won't be too long, before I can make it accessible to all of you, in form of a closed beta, early access, or such!


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