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We watched this episode of SoA on Amazon.  

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP or show audio. There is a visual cue off the top, a countdown to start and a timer to help you sync up.



br s

Part of the fun of watching these episodes with you guys is the dynamic between you two. You guys are best friends as well as a couple, as well as parents, very cool! Buckle up for the rest of the season!


My summary of Jax and to kind of borrow from Alfred from The Dark Knight: "Some men start off with a vision, they plan big, want to make a change for the good, but then they lose their way and become the very thing they sought to destroy. Instead of saving their world, they just want to watch it burn."


I can't wait for you to see how this all plays out. It is going to be a wild ride although that has been happening the whole show.


If i remember correctly i read that Abel is Charlie Hunnam's Real son. Think it said he wanted to be around his son instead of always out working so they casted him as Abel.

Cynthia Gutierrez

Is it bad that i want Cibbs happy? After he lost his wife and daughter, he deserves a second chance.

Jay R Spencer II

Jax Corleone is unhinged and i love every minute of it lol ANYBODY CAN GET IT

Jay R Spencer II

i dont think at this point jax thinks hes untouchable i just think he no longer carries a singular fck about anyone or anything(granted i know his boys should be enough) losing Tara snatched his soul and any morsal of remorse out of him


As far as i know Charlie does not have any kids

Michelle Finerty

As the many times I’ve rewatched this show, watching Jax and Gemma makes my blood boil this season, mainly Gemma though. Jax needs to mourn Tara’s death but I guess this is the way he’s doing it by not thinking about it and going off the rails. What’s also crazy is the timeline from the time the guys got out of prison from their 14 months stint to now is just a matter of months! If you listen to what some of the characters say in S6, it really was a matter of months. Clay to Gemma: “when I started this thing with the cartel 6 months ago…” (he did the deal while in prison); Nero to Gemma: “when I got into this deal with Jax a couple of months ago…” (his partnership on Diosa Norte in S5); Tara to Nero: “when Clay killed Piney a few months ago…” And Abel was aged a bit this season while Thomas stayed way younger. When Gemma was talking to her birds, she was talking to Tara as if she’s there. She does this quite a bit this season. What she says to those birds she’s basically justifying herself for killing Tara. For Juice, I agree that communication is the key but even if he gets the word out about Gemma and Eli the sense is there’s no turning back because he should’ve told Jax at the beginning if he wanted back in the club. I do get what you guys said about him being like a child though. I can’t wait for you guys to see how all this turns out!

Michelle Finerty

No disrespect to what you said but Charlie doesn't have any kids. Although he should have kids because he works well with them on screen. I've read he's a godparent to a couple of his friends' kids though.

Kat Fleur

I still carry a soft spot for Jax, even though he’s completely unhinged atm. I know that good side which he reserved for Tara, the kids, Opie & even Gemma at times is still there, buried inside somewhere. Once He gets his revenge, I believe we’ll see the Jax we once loved return.


I dunno if it's been said, but I don't think Jax is genuinely trying to be, like, "Kingpin Supreme"- it's just him TRYING to tie up loose ends....based off of the LIE Gemma told him: They did that stuff with Jury, trying to cover up for killing Lins guy, and now it seems like other stuff if spiraling out from how they handled the Indian Hills/Jury situation....and it's all based off that one lie from Gemma. Should be interesting to see what happens moving forward 😉

Killmonger 509

At this point Jax should just give the President flash to Bobby take off the cut and go rogue if he wants to kill everyone but he’s just bringing the club down with him he not in the right head space to lead anymore

Shanice British

I don’t even think he thinks he’s untouchable. Jax just doesn’t give a damn anymore. He feels like his purpose in life is gone so he’s on a revenge spree not giving a damn about what could happen to him because he doesn’t care what happens to him. Then he has his ‘mom’ in his ear just feeding him BS all the time. I feel for the guy because his head is a mess and his need for revenge is hurting the one family that he’s always wanted which is the club


Jarry (the new sherriff) was on board the second her and Unser had that conversation about how Unser always made it work with the sons by being in their pocket. She'd much rather have Unser's ending than Eli's... so she immediately let the MC know that she can be bought. Jax and her exchanged obvious looks too when she wanted a "profitable" relationship. Now I do think she meant more profitable and prosperous for the town... but she'll take both. And yeah she wanna bone Chibbs too lol

Donell Knight

the One Niners are not loyal to Pope and Marc’s, they were taken over by Popes crew. That in itself would make a good show. However if they see a good opportunity to get from under Marc’s foot they will.


Jax is an amazing Agent of Chaos.