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We watched this episode of SoA on Amazon.  

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP or show audio. There is a visual cue off the top, a countdown to start and a timer to help you sync up.



Josip Buretic

Oh yes!!that was great episode cannot wait to watch your reaction. I am curious how you feelt about Bobby's decisions to save Clay.

Joseph LeRoy

The next episode has one of my favorite Jax moments.


Happy is an actor, writer, tattoo artist and former member of the Hells Angels, a real motorcycle club. There was no better person than him for this scene with Clay


I think Steven might need his own gavel, because he's already a savage! "Kill her! Kill him! Kill her! Kill em!" I laughed out loud haha.

Fuad Mukhtar

I need the finale now 😂

Armani Taylor

Gotta give props to Ron Perlman. Only he can deliver an amazing performance as Clay. Such an awesome actor!!!

Josip Buretic

I think we all had similar experience, at the beginning we was like "oh no poor man he didn't deserve that" but after Opie died we all are in Savage mode!! Kill ’Em All 😎

Don Mayhem

Jax reminds me of Sasuke from Naruto. Those who watch anime like Steven secretly does lol. I'm liking this ruthless blood drunk Jax, but not what he did to Wendy. Someone said that when Tig looked at Jax when voting Yay or Nah on Clay meeting Mr. Mayhem, Tig didn't want to vote Yay but he agreed to back up everything Jax said so that's what that look was. I can hear and feel Jax's pain when he asked Bobby "and how is letting him walk the right thing?" I never thought I'd say this, but rewatching this with you, I'm liking Pope. That quote of "Democracy overrated" kinda reminds me of Thanos a bit. Both being smart yet evil villains. And Jax getting advise from Pope, maybe in a way Jax getting some inspiration on how to be a boss. But Pope caused Opie to get killed.


Yeah... here it is. This is the episode. The #1 worst thing Jax has ever done in the series was that ending. My God, just.... what the hell is this writing man? Lol

Rita Hunter

I really feel for Wendy at the close of this episode, but I have to say, she was NOT very smart. You just don't put Jax "Anakin" Teller up against a wall like that by threatening to take his kids away and expect to just walk away with no consequences. Not smart at all. Even if she planned to make a move like that eventually, by planning to gain custody of Abel or maybe both boys, telling Jax and Tara openly was NOT the wisest thing to do. You just collect the evidence, in 'secret'...and if anything happens to Tara or Jax or both, then you've got the leverage you need to go after custody, maybe even while under legal protection where no one can get to you. Tara was already leaning in Wendy's favor, so she shouldn't have pressed it...not then, and definitely not like that...in the form of a threat to Jax. Big mistake. He was raised by Gemma, after all....and he did to her exactly what Gemma did in S1. Don't f*ck with The Tellers. Just don't.

Jay R Spencer II

one of my favorite episodes, Demon Jax is Top tier

Shanice British

I mean after Gemma gave Wendy the drugs in season 1 I knew she could always get it playing with the teller family. What he did was messed up but with this show it makes sense especially after Wendy thought threatening a man who just lost his best friend was smart. She hasn’t seen the change in Jax that his close family & friends have seen which is why she thought that was smart. That man don’t play about Tara and his kids so Wendy should’ve came correct. Bless her heart 😩

Kevin Scott Bailey

And we officially arrive at the moment when Jax became just as evil (in a different way) as Clay.


Dope reaction guys! Nikki’s wtf wrinkles will be in full effect next episode!! 😂😂😂


You guys are gonna love the next episode lol It's not what you expect! It's even better!


Clay is only telling a half-truth. He didn't think Jax couldn't lead, he was simply greedy and deceptive. He knew getting the gavel back from Jax was going to be hard or even impossible if the deals went well with the other entities. Bobby was being sincere in saying that he did what he thought was best for Jax. It was less about Clay and more about Jax. He was right in saying once the line is crossed each one becomes easier. I do however, understand Jax's anger and disappointment. He has every right to use his power as president to eliminate a club traitor. I also think taking the one thing he had left away from him was arguably more punitive since he has to live with it until his last day alive. Wendy is not in the show a whole lot, but I do like her story, she started off rather unlikable, but she got over her drug abuse and has become quite a much better person. On the other hand, Gemma has gotten worse. Romeo screwed up so hard... Galen was open and even seemed to strongly consider the deal after Jax' speech. Well that deal is now dead in the water and its never going to happen. I don't like Galen, but he had every right to be pissed. All Romeo had to do was send an agent he trusted to oversee the deal. What he did was just counter intuitive to getting those RPGs The Cartel sucks XD What Jax did was so damn disgusting. I was legit pissed at him for doing that to Wendy.

Fuad Mukhtar

Fucking love u guys ❤️‼️‼️

Shanice British

I would pay $20 for the reaction to the next episode 😭😭 Omg it doesn’t seem fair to have to wait. Dammit 😩😂


I would argue beating up Ima and spitting in her face and calling her a "wh°re" was his worst point so far.


Both are up there... but Wendy FINALLY being clean and turning her life around only to have that happen to her. Forcing drugs into a recovering addict's system is just sickening. Any little bit could be her last. Very difficult to come back more than once.


1:05 LOL yaok

Josip Buretic

I agree with you on that 💯 I like Savage Jax but what he have done to Wendy was really fucked up big time!!


She said she was going to have Jax arrested and which would then get the club wrapped up in charges. Puts him away from his family. His wife’s on verge of Jail. Everything been taken from Jax. She’s alive. Needs to be thankful.


🤌🏼ep guys! On Wendy: Jax saved her life. She said she was going to prove Abel’s kidnapping. Report the IRA. That gets Jax imprisoned. And the whole club dead and families dead. Rat on IRA and nobody survives!. Someone took Opie from Jax. Clay took Jax’s dad. Tried to take Tara. Wendy says she’s gonna take his whole world down…his family. She was being mindlessly dangerous.. And right now She needs to be very thankful. Jax just saved her from a terrible IRA death, in which she watches Abel die before she’s killed. I have very little sympathy because she was so blind to what she was doing. ☹️ sorry.


I agree. While both were horrible things to do this is so much worse than what he did to Ima.


Jax should be arrested for a ton of bs he's done though. I ain't about this "sympathy for the devil" stuff, he's awful. He hides things from the club until it suits him and he's done so since season 1. He should've had his kids taken away sooner, Tara should've left.


Her making the threats was unwise, but Jax' response was monstrous. I cannot condone doing that to someone.

Josip Buretic

I see this like you, yes it was not the best decision to go after Jax and the boys like this but that still don't give Jax right to do that to Wendy. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t condone throwing her against the wall. Making her leave town maybe… but would be harder. He had to keep her from being stupid. And from ruining his life. This saves her. So I see as mercy, even though its rooted in protecting his family.

Sydney Aucoin

Nikki and I having the same reaction to Dave Navarro 👌👌