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We watch Sons of Anarchy on Hulu.

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP. There are a few visual cues and a timer to help you sync up.



Shanice British

You guys face when Kohn popped back up had me weak because same 😩 It cracked me up because you guys went from smiling at Tara and Jax’s moment to have it be ruined by Kohn the creep. I also think the reason they get away with a lot is because people are not only scared of them but also they got a lot of people in their pocket.

Shanice British

Tara & Jax’s moment was also a crime of passion to just passion. I don’t think it’s toxic per se since they already had feelings for each other it’s just the environment is toxic. Having sex while a man is bleeding out next to you is wild but also poetic in a way since he came there to stop her from messing with Jax 🤣🤣

Brandon Greene

so exccited for the last few episodes


Good take. I think the literary motifs and symbolism also gets lost in the muck of bikes and babes. But it’s very much there. Kurt really wrote this like a novel writer does.


I was excited for this episode cuz I knew y'alls reaction would be golden and it was!!

JR Reed

It is fun to see someone watch SoA for the first time, I have seen it so many times I lost the surprise when Kohn shows back up, the episode does a good job of not letting on he is back in town and stalking Tara. Also including the feeling of just how uncomfortable that entire 5 mins was with Tara trying to please him to calm him down. Up to Kohn insulting Tara, like bad move my guy, did he learn nothing about Jax from stalking Tara and Jax or reading his files? Fool. That said he got what he deserved. I cant wait for more, great reaction.


I love your tangents, Nikki! And I will say I think the love scene at the end was so very obviously written by a man - I believe it was Shae in Game of Thrones who told Tyrion he should have known his first wife's attack was fake because she wouldn't have wanted to have sex with him if she had really almost been raped just before.

Michelle G

Yep, I thought the same - well remembered GOT detail there too!

Don Mayhem

You're both Prospects. We're the Men and Women of Mayhem who have seen this multiple times lol. The Sons have a patch that says Men of Mayhem. From what I remember from the DVD commentary, the actor playing Michael Mckeevy was filming for another show, but the other show won't let him film for SOA so I guess last minute killed off his character. That guy playing Mckeevy's cousin Cameron Hayes, is the sheriff in "Wednesday." The guy playing Alvarez's son Esai, I saw him in Arrow season 2 as Sabastian Blood. I hate that song because of Kohn lol. That actor who played the fucken ATF psycho, I first saw him in a 1999 movie The Joyriders with a younger unknown Elisabeth Moss. I got a lot of info in my head. I don't know where I store it lol. The whole time watching Kohn with Tara, I was like "kick him in the balls, punch him in the throat, stab his eyes with your fingers" lol. Fucking right in front of Kohn's corpses lol. Your sex jokes are hilarious. 🤣


I actually love that scene. It’s a literary in symbolism. I felt it was very authentic to the emotion in the moment.

Theresa M Kelly

Do great rewatching with new eyes!! Love it!!❤️

Shanice British

Impatiently waiting for the next drop 😂


Lol I’m refreshing every five mins so I know how you feel


No I don’t, am actually saying it out of excitement that’s all. Is there a specific time today it will be uploaded? I know it does come to my email but am not checking it as often so instead I just come on here and refresh the page. 💕


Yay no more Kohn. Lol. Up until this episode Jax has been reluctant to take life unless necessary. Tig & Clay even worry about it here if he has what it takes for war. So Jax killing Kohn is different. He’s never straight up murdered someone before. He’s killed in defence of the club. He’s killed in self defence but never like this. So it’s a big episode in that regard in his journey. Other notes - Love him with Tara & he finally got to hold Abel. ❤️

jim shields

yeah you can tell Jax's dad had a different idea of what the club should be than Gemma and Clay.


Not sure if anyone has mentioned this, or in the more recent reactions…but prospects can’t get the main “rocker” until after a year of being a prospect. They make exceptions for people who were prominent members in other motorcycle clubs. Even if Half Sac had lost the boxing match on purpose, and won all of that money for the club, he still wouldn’t have gotten rid of the prospect rocker. He still has another 6 months or so.