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We rented The Purge Anarchy on HBO Max.

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP. There are a few visual cues and a timer to help you sync up



Anthony Frye

Now onto "The Purge Election year" personally my favorite purge. Love the reaction cant wait for you guys to react to Election year

Awesome Sauce

the next one is my favorite in the series.

Reese Stephens

yea i get it not a lot of people like this one than the second one. But please watch Election year in my opinion its just as good as the first one if not better


Yeah i get the complaints about the dumb couple and stuff, but most of these movies have dumb things in them. Like in the first one the neighbors motive at the end was beyond dumb, like they wanted them and their whole family dead cause they profited off them for selling them the security system keeping them safe? what? I mean no one held a gun to their head and made them buy it lol. I think i just like Frank Grillo's character so much and his story it makes a bit better for me, plus being smack dab in the middle of the city and all the chaos was a welcome change from the entire movie being inside a house. With the first i just kept wanting to see what was going in the city more so than a rich family stuck in a house, which is fine for one of the Purge movies, but its great with each movie they try and show you the Purge night from different perspectives.


"Stay safe." has a whole new meaning in this world. LOL! I understood your "Or as Jess would say...Batman mobile." I agree. That people were out grocery shopping 2 hours before a 12 hour mass murder spree is about to begin, is pretty ridiculous. The family that they visited for the car...I thought "Really! That's the dude you chose to fuck your sister over for?" What?!!! No!! lol I did love the fact that people were rising up against it. That was cool.


Yeah no need to watch any of the other Purge films. They’re all really bad.

Don Mayhem

First one is the best of the series, this one is ehhh. The third one is good too, but it goes straight down the toilet after the third one. They did do two seasons of The Purge tv show. These movies could be so much better. So much better, but just seems like they got a bunch of people who had no fucken idea what to do with these movies or come up with some better ideas.


Megan is now free to watch on Peacock, you plan on reacting to that soon?


Awesome, can't wait to see you guys react to that one!