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Ozark-Season3-Episode4-REACTION-extended.mp4 * Onehub



Why does Wendy making decisions bother you so much? They both got themselves into this current positions by working against each other imo.. I enjoyed watching Wendy become a bad ass😂


Because her decisions screwed everything up. She’s put people who are already in danger in even more danger which is hard to believe.


You can argue Marty is just as much to blame for working against her. Like she said there already part of the cartel, in her eyes becoming more friendly with them only helps.


There are two very different things fueling these two people’s motives. One is far more dangerous than the other. Bottom line is if they listened to Marty and never presented the idea or purchased the other casino they’d be in a better place and at the least the wife of the other casino owner we probably be alive. Wendy thinking she knows what’s best certainly makes for a more entertaining show.


I understand why people don't like what she's doing but Would you rather work for the cartel and feel on edge every day of your life, or work for the cartel and feel protected, buying a legit casino for his children does that, Marty trying to launder money through it also puts everyone in danger. I can appreciate her vision.


LOL....I am so much the same way when it comes to maggots. I actually saw a trash barrel full of them, overflowing, in the summer time. To this day, if I see one, I flashback to that image. It still throws me off balance to have seen that. Makes my skin crawl.