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BlyManor-Episode5-REACTION-extended.mp4 * Onehub



Hey guys! I love this episode. Thought I'd help clear some things up. Hannah was killed by Peter (in Mile's body) right before Dani arrived. The reason she always seems confused or on edge is because she is constantly going from memory to memory, that is the trap she has been stuck in since dying. Unlike Peter, she hadn't yet come to the realization that she was dead and that's why her memory of Owen was trying to coax her out of denial and kept asking about Miles. The memory hopping concept will be explained further as the season progresses. Keep up the good work, love y'all!


Yeah, or you can save spoilers and let them experience the show the way you did.

Thomas Yanez

Watch more! Now! Forget your schedule and watch the rest now! Do it do it do it. My head is going to explode listening to you discuss theories. :)


He didn't mention any spoilers.. everything he said they should have already known by now.


"You can STAY FOReVeR" (dies there) -> *Neck cracks* scene -> "You'll break your skulls!" ; sees cracks in walls; "light a candle for him bc (s)he's gone" -> "How long can you go not seeing something and still have faith it's real" --- OMG they lead you to reveal so perfectly!!!! Guys, once you finish the whole show, rewatch! Shows you SO much..... "she'll think she's ok until she realizes she's stuck. Denial." -- BRILL!!!s she's stuck. Denial." -- BRILL!!!


hahah finished ok that was a bit Jon is a Baratheon reaction. j/k! You def at least need to know she died right b4 meeting Dani. And that she's slipping in and out of memories. ---- Alzheimer's is a cool metaphor they chose, right? :)


Sorry y’all. Schedule is staying the way it is... it’s 3 videos a week and we won’t ignore our other legacy shows.


Steve this reaction had me so distracted because you looked so pale!!! You aren’t sick are you?? Hope you both are doing well 💜💜


Yikes, that sucks. Not sick at all, just not getting outside enough probably. Appreciate the concern though.


No it was still an awesome reaction lol I was just totally worried!! Glad you are ok!!!