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Hey guys, long time no talk! I've got a bunch of stuff to talk about so let's get right to it!

1. I just sent October rewards! If you paid for that term (ie you were charged at around November) and you did not receive a message, please let me know!

2. There are no November rewards. I paused the November term meaning you should not have been charged in December. Which also means that there are no rewards for November (note: I won't pause for December, I will post the character suggestion post later). I did this to reset my schedule since I got backed up again and also because I'm trying to develop a new routine, which is reason number 3. 

3. Visual Novel Development! If you didn't know, I started working on a fan visual novel centered around Rhea from FE3H. Now I wanna preface this that it will not take away from the current monthly rewards. It's a side project (that I work on almost daily ^^) With that out of the way:

3.a. Progress will be slow! This is to set expectations for me and you guys. I've been doing this for a couple of weeks now and I can say that while I am committed to this, I don't want to rush it or set any deadlines. I hate missing my own deadlines. That said, I will be posting progress whenever I feel I've got substantial stuff to show. Again, I don't want to put any time restrictions or any dates, just know that I'll post progress~

3.b. #gamedev tag. For organization, VN stuff will be filed under the gamedev tag. There are only two posts right now, including this one.

3.c. Rhea's fan VN will be free and short! Which is to be expected but just wanted to put it out there. I'm guessing it will be around 30 minutes to 1 hour max.

3.d. Rhea's fan VN will be R18+ BUT the sex stuff will only be towards the end because I love build up and sexy teasing. It will also read like an amateur fanfic so be warned LMAO ^^

3.e. Cease and Desist. Fun. It's a Nintendo property so there's always the risk of getting shut down. They seem to be fine with people making fanart and fanfic and even doujins, but I'm not entirely sure how they feel about fan VNs. Even if my project is free, it's not a guarantee that I'm off the hook. Anyway I'm working under the assumption that I'll get C&D'd someday and I'm not going to throw a fit I do get C&D'd, it is their property after all. In any case, my development mantra is to just fucking do it until I can't.

3.f Progress. 

Here are some actual progress I've made over the past couple weeks! I can't show the script stuff but according to Ren'py I wrote 1672 words. I swear it felt like I wrote so much more, well it's a work in progress :P

Here's a mockup of sprites + background. Originally I only wanted to draw from the Waist-up for sprites to save time but I kept messing up proportions. Turns out drawing the full body makes it easier for me to spot errors. So full-body sprites it is, though they will be cropped in-game (though I'm thinking of having an Extras gallery where you can see the full sprites). Here's what the full sprites look like~

Lastly, I'm trying to copy the Archbishop's Room in 3D. Let's just say that I need it for a few angles ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). The Rhea model is ripped from the game I found somewhere, I'm only using it here to establish scale. I gotta say though, I really enjoyed making this 3D copy, I just find it therapeutic for some reason :D

And that's all for today! I'm really happy with my progress so far. I've been working on this nearly everyday but I do try to limit myself to 1-2 hours because like I said above I don't want to rush it. So far, this way of working has been working great and honestly writing this makes me want to keep working. But I'll save it for later since I need to sleep.

Feel free to let me know your thoughts on any of this. And thank you once again for your support, cheers! ^^




vanilla go bruungggg <3 <3 <3


Epic + senny Pog can we get some Ws in chat


Mmm those sprites, fuck yes I'm excited to hear more!