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Hey guys, it's been a while! I've got a few things to talk about so let's get right to it~

1. I sent September rewards a few days ago. If you paid for that period (ie. you were charged around October) and haven't received a message, please let me know.

2. I'm way behind in rewards so I'm cancelling November term/rewards so I can catch up. Right now I'm working on October rewards (btw, female Byleth won the October poll so expect her in the October rewards!) . I'm hoping to finish the rewards this month so I can start December with a clean slate.

3. I gave up on the Rhea doujin. I'm really sorry. I know some of you guys are really looking forward to it but I just couldn't bring myself to work on it any longer. Comics/manga/sequential art in general is my weakness and it doesn't matter how much I love Rhea, paneling is a complete and utter nightmare for me. I just find cutting my story into panels and making dialogue shorter to fit panels a waste of time. Honestly I'd rather make a Visual Novel because that's how I write my stories. I think CGs instead of panels, if that makes sense. I also like having narration and that's usually not ideal in manga.

4. So Visual Novel doujinshi? Well maybe. See here's the thing, I became demotivated because I can't into manga/comics but that actually lead me to explore other stuff. In fact, I was inspired to try making Visual Novels again and so I tried painting some backgrounds (since they're not the most demanding things to draw for me) and here are the results

I also explored pixel art again and made this:

When I think about it, forcing myself to make a comic made me run away to find something more comfortable. I needed a different outlet for creativity that wasn't drawing sexy anime girls. Let's face it, these aren't the sexiest stuff and 99.99% of people who follow me for my art wouldn't expect this from me (some might even feel alienated). But man, I really really enjoyed working on these ^^ It's just fun to create stuff without necessarily thinking too hard about it.

5. I want to make a Visual Novel. I know what you're thinking. I just failed the doujin and now I'm hopping on to another project, hello burnout? And perhaps the reason I found the stuff above fun is because I was procrastinating on the doujin. That may very well be true. And I'm sure some of you guys remember that I started VN projects before and I ended up abandoning them eventually. Truth is I don't think this time will be different - I might very well abandon this new project too. But I just want to stop over thinking and just do it, maybe it will end up failing maybe not who really knows. And I think the key here is to not give myself a deadline and just treat it as a side project until I have something substantial to show. I mean drawing rewards already has me really busy so it's just not realistic to treat it as anything other than a side project lol.

Anyway that was what I've been up to lately and part of the reason why the September rewards got delayed. I guess you could call it a bit of soul-searching? One thing is for certain though, I'd still take drawing my favorite characters over painting random landscapes any day :P

So let's talk a little bit about the Rhea and Seiros drawing. Well it was actually inspired by this pic:

(for context it's from Fire Emblem: Heroes, that's me in the middle :P)

When I saw this I thought to myself "Wouldn't it be amazing if you could date both Rhea and Seiros at the same time?" and voila. I dropped everything to realize this divine vision and the OP illustration is the result lol ^^

(A side note, I made a bunch of new brushes for background painting so I had to find a way to use those in the illustration. You can see those brushes in action everywhere apart from the characters. Pretty happy with how they turned out! ^^)


This post turned out to be more like a blog but I just felt the need to talk about these stuff. Feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments (I might not reply soon because I will go to bed after posting this)

Thanks for all your support as always. Cheers!



A Weegee Board

We support you either way man. Do what’s best for you


That really sucks to hear you dropped the doujin, but I believe in you! Hopefully we can get the VN, just gotta picture what Rhea would want, which is definitely more lewds of her! Just keep up the great work and keep bringing more of best waifu, VN, doujin or otherwise


It's cool to see you working on backgrounds again. Love the style in those cliffs especially.


It sucks that some things get dropped but I don’t want you to force yourself into something your not motivated in. Rather it’s best if you keep doing things you’re interested in and we’ll still be here to support!


The nudes will be glorious! And, don't immediately jump into the VN, take a break. I hope the VN has naked Rhea!


Welcome back Sen! Curious to know if you'll be updating your gumroad? I'm new here haha


Need that FEH pass so you can summoner support both xD Love the artwork, seeing them both like this is blessing, an amazing and horny blessing ;) <3 And similar to what others have said, it is a shame the doujin didn't work out but if you didn't enjoy making it then I think it's good to leave it, never force yourself to do it if you're not enjoying it. That goes for the VN now as well but you seem to have a good mindset on that already. I would love to see the VN finished at some point, regardless of who or what it's about, but not at the cost of your sanity :) Keep up the great work, but remember to take care of yourself!

J Tor

No worries on the doujin, it is a huge challenge. It's fine to admit that you bit off more than you chew. I did have 2 questions though: - Will you let us see the unfinished panels you drew? - Oh my gosh this Rhea/Seiros piece is gorgeous, please tell me a nsfw version is coming?


A shame to hear about the Rhea doujin, but I 100% understand. Your backgrounds look fantastic! Not your usual booba, but they definitely have their own charm. Your pixel art looks great as well! Looking forward to Byleth (even though she beat my poor girl Micaiah into the dirt) and all of your future endeavors!


Hey there I've been meaning to get back to since you messaged me a couple days ago. I finally updated my gumroad with the latest rewards (there are no August rewards though since I paused for that period) Thanks! edit: here's the link: https://app.gumroad.com/sendrawz?sort=newest


Thanks a lot man! I love that style too and I'll probably explore it a bit more :)


Dude I got the pass exactly for that lol ^^ I have all the Rheas and I'm eagerly awaiting for more of mommy Rhea to fill up my supports. I didn't completely hated doing the doujin, in fact I was very enthusiastic at first and I was well aware of the challenge. But yeah as I got more into it I realized that it just wasn't working for me. I'm already familiar with VN workflows so there was a constant nagging in my head that I should just make a VN instead. Also announcing the doujin early was a terrible idea since I had nothing at that point, it just added unnecessary pressure since I had people's hopes up and obviously I didnt want to let people down. In the end I learned some important lessons so I don't think it was a complete waste of time or anything. Thanks for you comment and kind words man, I appreciate it a lot!


1. I don't want to because they're very rough sketches T_T Also because I might use some of those drawings for later 2. Yes there will be a nsfw version ^^


I actually do random drawings all the time but I don't post them since they're not booba :D Part of the reason I want to make a VN is to make people appreciate BGs more, even just a little ^^ Thanks for your kind words man!


I think I announced the doujin prematurely so that's really on me >.< Still, it's not so bad in the end since I got a lot of positives out of it as well, but I do feel bad for getting peoples hopes up. But yeah, it's important to acknowledge defeat and move on. Thanks for your comment!


I just don't want to make more promises that I can't keep but at the very least I can still just draw more Rhea lewds :D Thanks for your comment!