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So I wanted to have different lighting schemes for the doujin and so I started practicing/trying out various lighting schemes. After a while I somehow ended up with this one ^^ The biggest point is that the lighting is coming from the bottom-left and overall has a darker shading compared to my usual style (btw, I typically position the light at the top-right of the illustration) Anyway I quite like how this one turned out and so I want to really explore different lighting schemes for the doujin. I don't think I mentioned this, but the doujin will be in full-color because I grayscale just doesn't look right to me.

The full non-cropped version will be available as part of April rewards (along with 2B, the other Rhea, and a couple more illustrations)

That's about all for now. I really just wanted to share another Rhea pic lol ^^




Oh my god, everything about this is amazing. I absolutely love it


Moar Rhea~! Absolutely gorgeous! Especially love the expression in this one~ 😍 Doujins gonna be in full color?! The more and more i see and hear about this doujin the more excited i get~!🥰


Good lord this is one of the best Rhea arts I've ever seen.

Thomas Estrada

Sendo cheating on Wiz. This is amazing work. 😍😍


Love how the shirt is biting into her boobs. Fantastic, as always.


Ohhhh, holy crap! The shading and lighting on this is amazing, Sendo! It must've taken hours to do the contrast on her hair alone! Incredible! <3


MORE Rhea???!!!! Sendo you're spoiling us! Maybe it is just the lighting making it look that way, but it feels more detailed than you usually do, or maybe it's the fact that it's so close up, or both? xD Her skin just looks incredible! Not to mention the sensuality of the scene...... Amazing work with this, definitely looking forward to seeing the full thing! :D