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First off, congrats to 2B for winning the poll!

Not surprised with the result at all. It's pretty cool how she's still popular after all these years. I hope more people come to know and love Wiz, the Neps and Rhea for the years to come 😌

I'm doing my part in spreading the teachings of the Church of My Wife, err, Church of Seiros with another Rhea illustration! Bros I just... I just love her so much. I love her so much she gave me the courage to finally confront my art nemesis called Lineart!

So basically I need to have consistent lineart for my Rhea doujin and the problem is I don't. I really don't understand lineart at all. Anyway, I've been experimenting a lot lately and I think I may be on the cusp of solving the problem. I'm not going into detail right now because honestly it's still a mystery to me and I feel like I'm still feeling in the dark lmao. But here's something that's probably close to what I'm looking for! The lines are crisp, have roughly the same size (and my brush doesn't require micro pen pressure control), and best of all, it looks decent and even better? I can actually color with it! Probably my best lineart brush to date lmao.

(random DQ stuff)

(throwing some sketches just cause :D)

I might finally, FINALLY get good at lineart! And it's all thanks to Rhea for pushing me ( ´ ▽ ` ) It's amazing how much she enriches my art (and life ^^)

That's all I wanted to talk about today. Thanks for all your support! ^^




Hope your lineart journey turns out well! Lovely Rhea as always, and great sketches!


Your Rhea is always beautiful, but the intimacy of this one makes it absolutely amazing! The bed as the scene, her pose, the angle, her expression, it all sets this up incredibly well. Wholesome but still very sexy <3 Awesome to hear you are making progress with lineart for the doujin! I don't really know much about drawing but hearing your journey come along is nice :)


I'm always blown away with the quality of your work, and love how much you draw Rhea too~! She really is a blessing! 🥰 Linearts looking really great as well! Keep up all the good work on it!


I imagined what waking up to a loving Rhea would look like and this was the result. I think it's why it turned out pretty well ^^ I have so many stuff to talk about thanks to making a doujin. All in good time though, I'll finish the doujin and talk about everything I learned, challenges and some fun stuff I encountered along the way! ^^


Congrats on the lineart, Sendo! It looks great! <3