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  • eroge_dialogue_update.mp4



Managed to do a bunch of stuff this week for my zombie game! Can't embed a video so check out the attached files for a preview (The dialogue in the video is not final by the way, I'm just messing around with the script :3)

Made a bunch of progress this week but the most important thing is that I managed to code a simple but scriptable dialogue system!

It's still a ways away from actually being playable but it's really fun building up the game pixel by pixel. Seeing it slowly come to life is really rewarding and motivating ^_^ I'll be working on a Cutscene system next and a simple Battle System. Ideally I'd like to finish all the gameplay systems soon so by June I have an intro/pilot version that I could share. That's my rough estimate, at least.

And I guess this is a character/heroine reveal post as well. The character above is Elise, the young and enterprising owner of the Stardusk Lodge. After her father's death, she's left with the responsibility of running the Lodge. Though she struggled at first, she gradually learned the ropes and managed to salvage the business. Now, the Lodge is booming in business and Elise is busier than ever... until the Zombie Outbreak. After working so hard to build the business back up, another tragedy threatens its safety. Distressed but determined, Elise won't give up her years of hard work.


I guess that will do for her character description. She's basically the "Mommy GF" :P There are 2 more characters that I've already planned but I guess I'll reveal them when I draw their sprites. There's quite a bit more stuff I could talk about but those are mostly technical stuff and are probably not too interesting to read about so I'll leave it here for now.

That's all for this post. Hope you like the Aqua WIP as well. I'll finish all the rewards first before I go back to game dev this week. Feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments!




With that kind of dialog, I would be the first one to sacrifice him to zombies XD what a gutless mc I laughed to die