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Sorry for the silence lately! Last week I've been reconsidering the idea of making an Eroge because I was stumped with 3D. After mulling over it for a few days, I came to the conclusion to just... do it! I decided to just jump in and start making it. Forget 3D, forget impressive graphics, just make game.

Remember when I said I'm done with porn? Apparently not yet! 😂 This a bit different though because the porn I drew before were single images/standalone illustrations. This time I have a story and a game to contextualize the porn, and I think that's way hotter (and way more fun to draw) than a no-context ero-illustration.

Enough of the preamble, I'm pleased to say that I'm starting development of "Stardusk Lodge"(tentative title)

Bear in mind that I literally only started this project last week so it's still an Alpha of an Alpha of an Alpha, it goes deep.😅

I wanted to post a short video but I was reminded while writing this post that you can't embed videos, so check the files of this post for a very short video of the game in action.

Quick Summary


Tentative Title: Stardusk Lodge (Likely to be changed to something dumb like Camp of the Dead)

Genre: Zombie Apocalypse, Hentai


You were enjoying your long-awaited getaway vacation at the Stardusk Lodge, a quaint camping site, when the Zombie Outbreak happened. You managed to survive the outset and by some divine miracle, you stumbled upon a secret cabin far away from the zombie horde. Though you find some reprieve, the gravity of the situation only begins to dawn on you.

Gameplay: One-handed Gameplay™ (more details when I flesh the game more but at it's core it's just basic resource management and completing heroine's wishes/quests to unlock H-scenes)


It's dumb. It's sounds so dumb. But it's so dumb it's fun lmao. Not gonna lie, this is something I cooked up in 10 minutes because I couldn't care less about making a grand story or anything. I was playing Animal Crossing and thought why not combine this with zombies? I'm such a genius.

Anyway, I decided to go with 2D graphics because I realized the gargantuan amount of effort required to make a 3D game. As much as I want to make a 3D game, it feels so so far away. So I just picked the path with least resistance and went with 2D, not saying it's easy by any means but I do consider 2D as my domain. I'm really not looking to impress anyone with this project - I just want to have some dumb, erotic fun with this scenario 😏😏

To be clear, I will draw the H-scenes in my usual style. Only the gameplay part will be in pixel art. This is still very early in development (I literally haven't designed the heroines yet) so things will change quite a bit but I already have a few characters planned and I'm excited to share more info once I start finishing some more assets and fleshing things out.

And yeah I'm basically backpedaling with what I said earlier about being done with porn. Feel free to tease me about it lmao.

But anyway, that's the update for now. This surprise eroge announcement came out of nowhere, but I feel good about this one because I feel that it's doable.  Like it? Dislike it? Let me know your thoughts in the comments~ Oh and I hope you like the Brementon WIP! ^_^




So, is it guro? XD


Nope I'm not into that haha. It's probably going to be pretty vanilla but I'll consider adding some fetishes if they fit my vision :D


Indeed. Kinda funny how I 180'd from my statement before. I've been enjoying some ero stuff lately and honestly some of them inspired me to make my own :)