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Hey guys I just sent out the rewards! Please check your inbox. As always, if you haven't received a message, let me know so I can resend it!

Sorry for not posting WIPs and updating you guys with progress. I wasn't really in the mood to post lately. I'll spare you the nitty-gritty details but in short, I was getting my ass handed to me as I was working on my eroge engine and I really didn't want my frustrations to come off on my posts. I felt like I'd only post negative stuff and I don't want you guys (or anyone) to be the receiving end of that.  😅😅 

Anyway, I am pleased to say that despite the roadblocks and frustrations, I've made significant progress on the engine! A lot of it is backend stuff, but now that I've finished the October rewards, I'm eager to start on some early alpha/placeholder art to have something more to show you guys! There's quite a bit of changes when it comes to the gameplay, I've simplified stuff and I think it's a step on the right direction. I'm reaching a point where things are becoming more and more enjoyable for me! At least that's what I say to myself 😏

But yeah, I hope you liked the October rewards! I definitely enjoyed drawing them! My immediate plan is to finish some alpha/placeholder art and show you guys some progress on the Eroge and then we'll do the ero polls. Hope you guys look forward to those, cheers!

PS. I drew a Halloween Wiz art, but I couldn't finish it because I felt like something was off. Now that I look at it, I really dislike giving Wiz an expression other than a radiant smile. It sounds a bit weird I know but hey. I'm posting it here anyway just because. I'll make it up to her by illustrating her in the usual lovely smiling Wiz that I absolutely love :3




Is there going to be a finished piece of that Iris (Your vote counts) wip?


I think she looks beautiful. You should finish it. Her expression is a cute/scary


Huh, I completely forgot about that! I might try and finish it for this month. No promises though, but I do need to draw nep art soon.


Ill commission it and you can get back to it whenever you like until it is finished~ No rush, no deadline. Of course, if at all possible, id like to commission with and without dialogue. Just an offer~


Thanks! I dunno if I want to finish it. I do really want to draw her in a 'happier' illustration though!


Let me think about it. I have a lot of stuff on my plate so it would probably not be a good idea to take more than I can handle.


Thats alright~ Like i said, itd be a no rush no deadline thing, so you can start on it whenever your workload is clear or when you just feel like it~ No pressure or anything :)