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Man. It's been a tough couple of days for me (anxiety sucks!). That aside, I've been working like crazy (three Pyramid articles down in about six days plus this Pyramid-sized blog post) because as we all know idle minds are the Devil's Playground. 

I've been promising this post for a while and it's finally here: a deconstruction of the Leech advantage with notes on published modifiers, variations, etc. as well as a collection of new modifiers of my own (or others creation), variations, and so on, but all in one place PLUS an example ability. What more could you ask for? (I mean, besides a Six Demon Bag - we all want one of those - so besides that?) Anyways, I'm a'ramblin on so read today's GURPS101...


GURPS101: Leeches, Vampires, and Succubi (Oh, my!)

"Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make." -- Bram Stoker, Dracula (1897) The Leech advantage (Buckle your seatbelts up kiddies because this is a GURPS Powers, p. 96) is the more generalized version of the Vampiric Bite advantage (p. B96) that appeared in the Basic Set.


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