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Happy GURPSday everyone! Today I toss out some (short) Designer's Notes for "Mask of Humanity" - my article that came out in Pyramid #3/97: Strange Powers.

Where have I been you ask? Busy. Like, insanely busy. Working on plenty of new content for the blog, Patreon, and publication. (And the occasional non-RPG writing thing.)

Hey, have you seen Doug Cole's Kickstarter for Dungeon Grappling ? I had a small hand in that and it's turning out absolutely amazing. You should go back it. Even if you don't really play DnD it's got some interesting, easily portable concepts for any RPG.


Designer's Notes: Mask of Humanity

"The Mask of Humanity" began as "Parting the Veil." It spent almost 4 years on my harddrive (longer than any other "finished and submitted" but unpublished articles I currently have) collecting dust. I've hinted at its existence on the forums dozens of times since then.


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