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Today my first ever RPG book has been published (you can find it here: http://www.warehouse23.com/products/gurps-dungeon-fantasy-19-incantation-magic - so go buy a copy!). I had a feeling it might be out this week so I stayed up most of the night crafting some designer's notes and a look at the process of writing a book for Steve Jackson Games. Granted, my experience was glacial because of the Quantum Ogre, but those interested at a slightly-behind-the-scenes look might be interested in this post. Warning, contains lots of me and my co-author.

Haven't been to the Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter and pledged yet? Why?! They just released a metric ton of new goals and apparently added my book to the list of PDFs you can get via backerkit (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/847271320/dungeon-fantasy-roleplaying-game-powered-by-gurps/posts/1676185). Go back this kickstarter, help make my first publication on the book-scene a success.



Ravens N' Pennies: Designer's Notes: Dungeon Fantasy 19 - Incantation Magic

Wow. It's finally out. The original idea for this article goes all he way back to early 2013 when +Antoni Ten Monrós and I were thinking about how we'd do "old school vancian" magic. I suggested RPM and he liked the idea and threw the ball back at me "What if we change the paths completely?"


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