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Share anything you'd like (comments, links, etc.)I blame it all on the high blood sugar. More seriously, I realized that I didn't have a "catch-all" blog series for gaming stuff...so, err, here's one: Carpe Blogiem. This installment has me musing on Sicatra (my new fantasy campaign) and what roads I might take with it. http://www.ravensnpennies.com/2015/02/carpe-blogiem-musings-on-sicatra-part-i.html#.VOFhEPnF_Cs


Ravens N' Pennies: Carpe Blogiem: Musings on Sicatra, Part I

While in a haze of "What's my blood sugar at?" and being sleepy because I had to keep a eye on said glucose I got to thinking (a dangerous pastime, I know) about my blog. I said "Self, why don't you have a post series about random gaming stuff?"


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