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"I'll give you three gold pieces for that horse!" "I wouldn't give it to my mother for less than four!" "Pah! You know nothing of horseflesh, it's teeth are terrible!" "It's teeth are brighter than your gold my foolish friend..." Haggling is fun, both in game and out of it. When I play or run I love having such scenes play out. I found the rules for Dungeon Fantasy pretty simple and they do work pretty well, but lack of being able to buy cheaper guy struck my players as odd (and myself). I get the reasoning behind it (why adventure when you can just get cheaper stuff!), but I don't like it. So I changed it. You can do that with GURPS (or so I hear). I figured there might be some folks out there that could get some mileage so I shared it here on my blog. Enjoy. http://www.ravensnpennies.com/2015/01/gamemasters-guidepost-matter-of-price.html#.VL4BkEfF_Cs


Ravens N' Pennies: Gamemaster's Guidepost: A Matter of Price

Dungeon Fantasy has a rather simplified haggling system for selling based on a combination of your wealth, a Merchant skill roll, and your reaction modifier. It rather cautiously omits rules for buying at a reduced price (even though that's part of the RAW) that's lower than 10%.


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