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"They come with the cold and are the cold. The Witko walks but does not walk. It cannot speak, but its voice is the wind." Some of the more terrifying wendigo myths are not so much about it eating you - no; that's too easy. It's about it calling the cold to kill you slowly. But not just you - everyone you love. Death by exposure is a painful way to go, and it's kind of like being asleep, but unable to move. That's when the wendigo comes to tear into your soft belly and eat you slowly as you drift off into a helpless slumber. The last sound you hear is the sound of crunching bones, slick viscera, and the humming sound of a (temporarily) sated monster. Even dead you linger on for a few minutes after death as your own screams echo silently within your mind. All for hunger. All for cold. The Windwalker continues my amalgamation of myth, cinema, and other various sources into a single terrifying entity to haunt your players. http://www.ravensnpennies.com/2015/01/triple-threat-wendigo-windwalker.html#.VLtcI0fF_Ct


Ravens N' Pennies: Triple Threat - Wendigo Windwalker

Like the wendigo, windwalkers are terrifying shapeshifters who were once human, but were possessed by the Windwalker - a terrible manitou (spirit) of the far north who hungers for human flesh. Typically, the Windwalker gorges on flesh until it's destroyed and sent back to its spirit form - but sometimes it makes deals with human beings who it gives some of its frigid power in exchange for serving it.


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