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Posting from my Asus Transformer here's a session recap. It's been hell trying to even get into my blog from here and typing on this little thing (I use it for editing if at all for word processing) is killing my arms. I'll try to get something more substantial and GURPS-y on Thursday. Till then - we're back on air...for now. http://www.ravensnpennies.com/2014/12/the-chronicles-of-ceteri-stone-dead.html#.VH1PPDHF_fI


Ravens N' Pennies: The Chronicles of Ceteri - Stone Dead - Part I - Game Session 4

Sir Al-Shams mac Lannageal, Annalise "Annie" Murphy, & Dr. Francesco "Frankie" Novella January 27th, 1999, 9:30 pm Boston Underground, Somewhere The traditional price for a bridge troll to open up the Autumn Road 1 to is a goat. Not having one on hand, Annie whips up a quick batch of goat curry and along with the others saw the Wachusett troll.


Celti Burroughs

The Transformer has a USB port, right? Have you considered sacrificing $10 to get a cheap (but full-sized) USB keyboard to tide you over until you have a real laptop again?


It's really as much the screen as anything else. I am in need of new glasses (hopefully getting those for Christmas) and reading the tiny screen is hard. I basically have been touch-typing, but the shift button throws me off (it's about 1/4 the normal size). I'll muddle through. :-) I got some ideas for a post on Thursday, but I seriously doubt I'll be on the forums much till I can grab a new lappy.