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A lot of threads have been going around lately about GURPS and grappling and it got me thinking about my personal experiences with close-in fighting. Probably owing to the fact that I'm pretty big (6'4" and 400 lbs), I've always preferred to get in close when in a physical altercation. Of course that doesn't take in the fact that I'm also naturally strong (I can bench 450 lbs with very little issue and lift twice that for a short time above my waist). So I decided to do a little navalgazing and looking back into some of the things I've seen in real life and how to quantify them in GURPS terms vs. what I see players use in my GURPS games. Warning: Post has me. http://www.ravensnpennies.com/2014/11/melee-academy-bar-fights-and-being.html#.VG5zwvnF82Q


Ravens N' Pennies: Melee Academy: Bar Fights and Being a Bouncer, Part II

Note: The title is a bit of a misnomer, since only half the post deals with actual bar fights - but I like the title...so there. Grappling has been talked about a lot on the forums lately and it's gotten me to thinking (a dangerous pastime, I know).


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