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I told the Witch Doctor that I was in love with you... then he cast a freaking spell on me that ripped out my heart and caused a rain of toads by chanting the mystical words "Ooo eee,ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang." So you know what? I don't go randomly talking to witch doctors now. It ain't safe, Charlie. I don't suggest you do either. I mean, look what those "Diablo" witch doctors can do... In today's Guidepost, I go back to the world of Sanctuary and GURPSize it - well, some of it. http://www.ravensnpennies.com/2014/10/gamemasters-guidepost-diablorising.html#.VEBM4PnF82Q


Ravens N' Pennies: Gamemaster's Guidepost: Diablorising Sorcery - The Witch Doctor - Part I

Look...I like necromancy magic, okay? It's not a addiction or anything, I can quit whenever I want. I recently got to play Diablo III and after my typical Barbarian run-through I fired up a Witch Doctor...man that was fun. Now, I've already created some Ritual Path magic spells for the Necromancer from Diablo II...why not create a few for Sorcery?


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