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Kids are great: babies are mobile barf barges, five-year olds constantly ask why, and teenagers make YOU want to strangle your progeny in their sleep sometimes. Kids are also a great plot hook if done right, whether PC or NPC, a child in danger hits every single instinct in the human brain like nothing else other than personal survival. GURPS already has rules for writing up kid characters, but I explore it a bit more in today's blog post... http://www.ravensnpennies.com/2014/10/gamemasters-guidepost-playing-child.html


Ravens N' Pennies: Gamemaster's Guidepost: Playing Child Characters

Being a grown-up is overrated. You got bills and responsibilities and maybe kids of your own. Basically, it's a pain and people always look at your funny when you throw up all over your shirt. GURPS has a wonderful and simple method for taking a character from childhood all the way to adulthood.


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