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Harry woke up the next morning still basking in the afterglow of the previous night's activities. He stretched lazily, feeling the soreness in his muscles from the intense lovemaking session. He looked over to the other side of the bed and saw that Emma was already gone. He smiled to himself, thinking about how much fun they had last night.

Harry got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Afterwards, he went downstairs to find some breakfast. When he entered the kitchen, he found Hermione and Emma already there, sipping on cups of tea and chatting animatedly.

"Good morning, Harry," Hermione said brightly when she noticed him enter the room.

Hermione was wearing a skintight top that barely contained her ample bosom, leaving little to the imagination. She wasn't wearing any bra underneath, and her nipples were clearly visible through the fabric, jutting out proudly.

Her skirt was equally provocative, made of a thin, clingy material that couldn't even pretend to hide the cheeks of her plump ass. And if that weren't enough, she wasn't wearing any panties either, leaving her bare mound completely exposed. Every time she moved, Harry would catch tantalising glimpses of her pink flesh peeking out between her legs.

Emma was equally scantily dressed. She wore a tiny crop top that barely covered her breasts, leaving her midriff and navel exposed. The bottom of her top barely concealed the lower curves of her large breasts, leaving plenty of underboob on full display. Her shorts were similarly provocative, leaving her thick thighs and round ass mostly exposed, apart from the thinnest strip of fabric that barely covered her crack.

And all this just to have another go at his cock, Harry realised with a start. It seemed that both mother and daughter had taken to dressing like complete sluts, without any underwear whatsoever. And it was clear that they were doing everything in their power to tease him, to make him lose control, and to prove to him that each of them were more desirable than the other.

As Harry walked towards the counter where they were standing, he suddenly became aware of a strong scent filling the air. It took him a moment to realise what it was - the scent of arousal. Both Hermione and Emma had been walking around the house without any underwear, exposing their moist pussies and letting out their unique aromas, and they were both clearly dripping wet. The combination of their natural scents was incredibly arousing, and Harry felt his cock stirring in his trousers.

"Morning, girls," Harry replied, trying to keep his eyes off their exposed bodies, lest he start something right there in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Harry! How did you sleep?" Emma asked, smiling coyly at him, knowing exactly what effect she was having on him.

"I slept great, thank you very much," Harry replied, trying to maintain his composure, but it was difficult when his mind kept drifting back to last night's activities. "What's up with the outfits? Did Daniel leave for an errand or something?"

Hermione blushed slightly, looking down at her outfit. "We thought we'd dress up a bit, seeing as it's summer and all..." she said, trying to sound nonchalant, but failing miserably. She shook her ass suggestively, making her puffy labia visible beneath her tiny skirt.

She then glanced over at Emma, who was giving Harry a sultry look from beneath her long lashes. "Besides, it's not like you haven't seen us naked before, right?" she added, her voice dripping with innuendo.

Harry groaned, unable to resist the sight of the two women. "You two are killing me," he complained, rubbing his face with his hand as he took his seat at the table.

And as Harry sat down, Emma busied herself in the kitchen to get him some breakfast. Despite his best efforts, Harry couldn't help but admire the way her ass looked in those skimpy shorts. The fabric clung tightly to her curves, outlining every inch of her generous derriere. When she bent over to grab a plate from the lower cupboard, he caught a glimpse of her bare pussy lips peeking through the edges of the fabric, glistening with moisture.

Harry felt his cock stiffen even more at the sight. He couldn't believe how shamelessly the two women were flaunting their bodies, teasing him with their provocative outfits and constant flashing. It was all he could do to keep from ripping their clothes off and taking them right there on the kitchen table.

These girls were going to be the death of him, and if he was going to survive the summer, then he had to do something about it.

A part of the problem, Harry realised then, was that the two women had become increasingly competitive with each other. They were constantly trying to one-up one another, trying to prove that they were better, hotter and sexier. And while Harry enjoyed being the object of their affections, it was starting to get a bit much if he was going to spend the entire summer being teased and tortured by these two horny women.

"You know, I think I've had enough of your games," Harry announced suddenly, surprising himself as much as the two women.

Hermione looked at him quizzically, her eyes wide with surprise. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

"I mean that you two can't keep acting like this, constantly teasing me and trying to outdo each other. It's driving me crazy," Harry explained, trying to keep his tone level and calm. "And to add to that, I don't think it is healthy for your relationship as mother and daughter."

Emma and Hermione looked at each other, unsure of how to react. After a few moments of silence, Emma spoke up. "He has a point," she admitted, her voice softer than usual. "We shouldn't be competing against each other like this. We should be supporting each other instead."

Hermione nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're right," she said, looking down at her lap. "But... it's hard to stop when we're both so attracted to you, Harry."

Harry smiled warmly at the two women, feeling a sudden surge of affection for them. "Well, maybe it's time for us to try something different," he suggested. "Instead of constantly fighting for my cock, why don't you two try to cooperate? Maybe then we can all have a lot more fun together. And who knows, maybe you'll grow even closer as mother and daughter in the process."

Emma and Hermione exchanged shy glances, a health blush spreading across their cheeks as they realised exactly what it was he was suggesting.

"Okay," Hermione agreed after a few moments of hesitation. "We'll give it a try."

"Great!" Harry exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. "Now, the two of you have some serious making up to do. You see, all this teasing has made me incredibly horny, and I need some relief." And with that Harry started fumbling with his belt buckle, pulling down his jeans and boxers in one swift motion. His thick, throbbing erection sprang free in the middle of the kitchen, standing tall and proud in front of him. He really hoped Daniel wasn't coming back any time soon.

The two women stared at his manhood with lustful gazes, licking their lips hungrily. Harry didn't waste any time, walking towards the kitchen counter where Hermione was standing. Without warning, he grabbed her plush, doughy ass and lifted her up onto the counter behind her. Her legs spread apart instinctively, opening up her moist slit for him to take advantage of.

Hermione blushed furiously, embarrassed yet excited at the same time. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close as their lips met in a passionate kiss. Harry could feel her heart pounding wildly against his chest, matching his own rhythm.

As they kissed, Harry reached down between their bodies, bunching up Hermione's ridiculously short skirt and sliding his fingers into her slick folds. She was incredibly wet, her juices already flowing freely down her thighs. Harry couldn't wait to bury himself deep inside her tight little hole once again.

"Now, Emma," Harry instructed, turning his attention to the woman who had been busying herself with his breakfast just moments earlier, but that had found better things to occupy her after his announcement. "Why don't you come here and prepare me for your beautiful daughter?"

Emma's eyes lit up with excitement as she dropped to her knees, crawling towards Harry's throbbing member. She wasted no time in wrapping her soft, plump lips around his cock, taking him deep into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around his shaft, licking up every last drop of pre-cum that had leaked out.

As Emma sucked him off, Harry continued to finger Hermione, his thumb rubbing circles around her swollen clit. She gasped and moaned, her head falling back as he brought her closer and closer to the edge.

Meanwhile, Emma had begun to bob her head faster, using her hands to stroke what she couldn't fit in her mouth. Her drool dripped down her chin, splattering on the floor beneath them. Harry groaned with pleasure, but with the sex-boot-camp he had been going through these past couple of days, he wouldn't let himself cum that easily. Not before filling Hermione up first.

Feeling her pussy begin to clench around his fingers, Harry knew that she was close. He pulled his fingers away, leaving Hermione panting and gasping for breath. She looked up at him with pleading eyes, begging to be filled once again.

"Please, Harry," she whispered, her voice husky and low. "Fuck me. I need to feel your cock inside me again."

He glanced over at Emma, who was still on her knees, her lips still wrapped around his shaft.

"That's enough, Emma," he said, his voice firm but gentle. "It's time for you to move aside now. Your daughter needs some proper fucking."

Emma nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She stood up and stepped back, giving Harry a clear path to Hermione's pussy.

Harry wasted no time in positioning himself in front of Hermione, his cock already throbbing in anticipation. He rubbed the head of his cock against her wet slit, teasing her just a little before plunging deep inside her.

Hermione gasped as he filled her up, her eyes rolling back in her head as she savoured the feeling of him stretching her out. Harry began to thrust in and out of her, his hips moving in a steady rhythm as he fucked her hard and deep.

He grunted as he bottomed out inside of her again and again, his balls slapping against her ass with each thrust. Hermione's pussy felt even tighter than before, gripping his cock like a vise as he began to fuck her in earnest.

Emma watched from the sidelines, her hand slipping down into her shorts to rub at her own clit as she watched the scene unfold before her. She bit her lip, trying to stifle her moans as she pleasured herself, but it was no use. She had spent the better part of a week trying desperately to win over his cock for herself, but she couldn't deny that a part of her was also turned on by the sight of her daughter being fucked long and hard by the very same man.

As Harry continued to pound into Hermione, he could feel her walls clenching around him, her body trembling with pleasure. He knew she was close to orgasm, and he wanted to make sure she came hard.

"Come on, Hermione," he growled, his voice low and husky. "I want to feel you cum all over my cock. Show your mother how much you love being fucked by me."

Hermione whimpered, her eyes fluttering closed as she felt herself teetering on the edge of orgasm. She bit her lip, trying to hold back her cries of pleasure as she felt Harry's cock slamming into her over and over again.

"Yes, yes, yes!" she cried out suddenly, unable to contain herself any longer. "I love it, Mum! I love having Harry's big cock inside me! I'm gonna cum so hard, Mum! Watch-!"

Her climax hit her like a freight train, making her whole body shudder with pleasure as wave after wave of intense ecstasy washed over her. Harry gritted his teeth, holding back his own release as he felt her pussy spasming wildly around him, milking his cock for everything it was worth.

Her juices exploded from her snatch, spraying everywhere as she reached her explosive climax, painting the kitchen counter in her essence. And Harry loved every second of it. He kept up his relentless pace, fucking her harder and deeper than ever before, drawing out every last drop of pleasure from her quivering pussy.

It was only when she finally went limp in his arms, exhausted and satisfied, that he allowed himself to release. "Here it comes, Hermione," he growled, his voice hoarse with lust. "Take it all, baby."

With one final, powerful thrust, Harry flooded her depths with his seed, filling her up completely. It leaked out of her pussy, pooling on the counter beneath her. When he finally pulled out, Hermione lay there, panting heavily, her body glistening with sweat.

But Harry wasn't done yet. He turned his attention to Emma, who was still standing there, watching the scene unfold before her. She had two fingers buried deep inside her pussy, fingering herself with abandon as she watched her daughter's wild discharge.

"Now, Emma, why don't you show us what mother-daughter cooperation is all about?" Harry suggested, a playful grin on his face.

Without hesitation, Emma dropped to her knees in front of her daughter, pushing her legs apart. Then, she leaned forward, pressing her mouth against her daughter's moist slit, cleaning her up with her tongue.

Harry watched as Emma lapped at Hermione's pussy, her cheeks hollowing out as she sucked up every last drop of his and her daughter's creamy juices. Her tongue swirled around Hermione's clit, causing her to shiver and moan in delight, and it wasn't long before she came once more under her mother's expert touch.

"Muuumm! I'm... I'm cumming again!" she cried out, her body shaking with the force of her climax.

"Fuck, that's hot," Harry muttered under his breath, his cock twitching once more.

Emma didn't stop there. Once she was done with Hermione's pussy, she started sucking on Harry's cock, cleaning him up as well. Harry groaned in pleasure as he felt her warm lips wrapped around his shaft, her tongue swirling around his tip as she cleaned him of her daughter's juices.

When she finished, Emma looked up at Harry, a wicked smile on her lips. "How did we do, Harry? Was that good enough for you?" she asked, her voice dripping with mischief.

Harry grinned back at her, pulling her up from her knees and wrapping an arm around her waist. "It's a great start, girls," he said, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "Now let's see where this newfound cooperation can take us..."

Next up, another one-shot!


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