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I thought I'd do another vote for a one-shot story while I work to conclude some of my other stories!

I wasn't super happy with the outcome of the Harry/Tracey one-shot, so I am likely going to go back to the more smut-heavy style for this next one unless I get feedback to the contrary. I would certainly like to explore more "romance" stories, and not just pure smut, but I struggled to put that into a one-shot... (the idea would likely have done better in a multi-chapter story). The next one is going to be even better though :)

Tracey won the previous poll with 7 votes to Katie's 6, and there were a couple of comments on the public poll announcement asking for Katie, so I thought I could include her in another poll if people were interested. If you would like to influence the characters Harry seduces in the next story, please consider voting! :)

For this vote, I decided to make it primarily Quidditch heavy, as that is where my inspiration went this time! (Though there likely won't be much Quidditch played in the story...)

  • Katie

  • Cho

  • Katie / Angelina / Alicia

  • Hermione

I added Hermione at the end in case the choice of Katie and Cho was a bit narrow. Anyways, please let me know what you think as usual :)

The vote will run for seven days from now and is available here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/107489366


Akepit Bee

Rather than Harry seducing a girl, what if cho upped her tactic of distracting male players by flirting to be a bit more explicit? Could be a fun take. But I’m just in the public poll so ignore me at your leisure. :)


I think Katie would be a fun one to explore.


I think it's a great idea :) Would have to plot around a bit with it to find a story there, but I think it could be good!