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Pilot (1).mov


Andrew Pulrang

So I grew up being opposed and highly disdainful of the Reagan Administration’s staunch anti-Soviet push. And I still basically feel that the actual threat of Soviet spies “destroying out way of life” was always exaggerated. However, that doesn’t mean the Soviets themselves didn’t keep trying. They were in their own way as obsessed with conspiracies as we were, both being afraid of them and perpetuating them. That’s one reason I like this show so much. Most of the anti-Soviet spies on the US side are technically right, but usually in the wrong ways and by accident. And the Soviets are crafty, but have their own massive blind spots and misreading of just about everything. So none of the “players” have much to be proud of. Meanwhile, we get to see a VERY complicated and human marriage play out on this very weird stage.

Alexis Cardarella

This is one of my favorite series, and I’m actually surprised by the amount of likes/comments- it’s still very much under the radar as a show. This series has the most seemingly unbiased perspective on the KGB and Soviet Union and communists in general, especially considering it was created by a former cia officer. The cold war just wasn’t about non-trust between these two super powers, or rather non trust built on conspiracy.. There’s a long history leading up the current events, which will be elaborated on throughout the series. Currently the stakes have just been upped because of this prominent KGB defector having being killed. It’s also important to note that there’s currently there’s beginning to be infighting going on in the KGB.


"... and I’m actually surprised by the amount of likes/comments... " Yeah, me too. Definitely a pleasant surprise. This is one of those shows, like the Whedon shows, where I love most of the characters. Even my least favourite characters are characters that I like.