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Omega S1E12.mov



I really like how Paul "saves" Caroline here. He saves the girl, in a way. It's just a cool little detail. It's also really interesting what Whiskey/Dr. Saunders says to Topher. Asking him why he made her hate him. I personally think that is because Topher hates himself in a way, despite how he acts so cavalier about everything. You can see that he is affected by it, after wiping Echo and telling her she can go. He is depressed and she senses that and just puts her hand over his heart, as if saying, "look, you still have a heart. You're not evil." That's what I get from that scene anyway.


I love that detail that Paul saves "Caroline" in this episode. There are a lot of really nice character moments in this episode.


This episode has dueling dual Frankenstein plots. Alpha is a creation of the Dollhouse that turned on them. But Omega (Echo and her imprints) was a creation of Alpha's that turned on HIM. The monster created his own "monster" that restored order. As storytelling goes... that's FANCY. :P