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The writing is off in this episode. Anya saying to Buffy 'I'm not your friend' just feels idiotic and hurtful for no reason after their reconciliation when she saved her from that d'hoffryn demon. If I were Buffy I would have chucked Anya out of the house right there and then, see how long she lasts. I love Anya but whoever wrote that line did a lot of damage to her character.


I've always got the impression Anya never much liked Buffy from season 4 on. Part of it was just being annoyed how much attention Xander gave her, and not really being about the saving people mission, but part of it just felt personal. To be fair Anya doesn’t like many people and she doesn’t really have many friends. Xander was kind of her connection to more “human” concerns, and she’s still learning who she might be as a human since selfless... I’m totally with you about Buffy’s reaction, she has more patience and forgiveness then I could.

Dan H

I really had a lot of issues with this episode. You might consider looking up an archived version of Television Without Pity to read the recap of this episode because there is a ferocious rebuke of this expansion of the Slayer origin on the subject of it having been turned into a r**e allegory that I can't disagree with a word of her complaint about what she (the recapper) calls "the dreaded Martiphor". I also have a real beef with the tone-deafness of the whole Spike-gets-his-virility-I-mean-fighting-spirit back by putting on his Slayerskin jacket. There is a real dissonance between wanting to portray Spike as a truly different man for the sake of enabling a 'ship and wanting him to be the same old badass because sexy-cool for the *audience*. Plus, in story it's frankly grotesque the way that Buffy treats him on the subject in this episode. I have mixed feelings overall because this episode had some good action and a sense of forward momentum, but as a world-building piece it was a catastrophe, IMO.


I will never feel comfortable with ensouled Spike deliberately wearing the trophy he took off a Slayer he killed. And I would think that no matter how hardened Buffy has become, that she wouldn't have feelings about that.