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The Perfect Couple.mov


Lisa Kristin

I'm surprised that I'm so much more sympathetic to Julie now than when I first watched the series. Her wanting a divorce from Jimmy is understandable, he commited a serious crime and defrauded people in their community. But she gets villified for it, not only by her kids, but people like Kirsten too. Julie dating someone after the separation is not wrong either, and not really Ryan's business. And it's good that she kept it a secret initially, the parent shouldn't bring their kids into their dating life in the middle of a messy divorce. On the other hand she is the adult and should have handled things better when the cat was out of the bag. It's understandable that Ryan and Marissa don't handle things in the best way since they're so young and have baggage, but I do feel bad for Julie too.

Andrew Pulrang

Julie is a fundamentally dishonest and vindictive person ... who happens to be right and in the right a lot of the time.