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Man on the Street.mov


Dan H

The woman in the interstitial interviews that dismisses it as slavery is the smartest person in two seasons of this show. Here's the hottest take you'll hear on this episode - Hearn was right. Not for what he did, of course, that's vile. But for his rationale. The simple fact of the matter is that if the "fat emir" he used as an example had called up Adele Dewitt and said he was going to give them a million dollars to send Sierra to him *in doll state* and just wiped her after? In six episodes we've been shown no reason to think that they wouldn't agree. I maintain that the Dollhouse deals in rape like a grocer deals in produce; the thing that Hearn did that they hated wasn't raping Sierra, it was not paying for the privilege, basically. If you couldn't tell, I don't come down on the side of the Dollhouse or its denizens being in even the slightest way "good".


Genuine question: do people actually think the Dollhouse or its denizens are "good?" That seems like a crazy take, but admittedly the show does romanticize them, particularly Topher and Adelle [not a fan of that aspect of the show].


The thing Echo did in her and Paul's fight, popping him on both sides of his head, is a good defensive move esp if you don't have a lot of brute strength to rely on. It's very disorienting to be hit in the ears.