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Just got caught up with your Jessica Jones reactions and wanted to point out something re: the last episode. The outfit that Trish suggest that Jessica wear is her comic book outfit that she wore as an active superhero before Kilgrave took control of her. She also went by the name Jewel, at that time. But after being freed of Kilgrave's control, she quit the superhero life and opened Alias Investigations. Due to the more "grounded" approach of the Netflix shows and their relation to the MCU, they decided not to have Jessica be an active superhero in the show. The name and outfit is like an easter egg to fans in the know. Also, the plotline of Jessica killing Luke's wife does not exist in the comics and in fact Jessica and Luke get married and have a child together. Let's just say the show went in a different direction with their relationship, which as a Jessica/Luke shipper, that makes me sad, haha.

The Answer

I feel the same way what about her comic book relationship with wolverine


I feel that the theme music to this kind of suits the show. Starts off show and then changes gear, becoming 'dramatic'.