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Remember the Cant.mov



An OPA agent at the beginning was smuggling in stealth tech. Chrisjen stated that she believes the OPA shot the Canterbury to start a war between mars and earth so the OPA could gain political power while they fought, even tho the Canterbury was mostly a Belter ship bringing water to the belt. I honestly forgot if that is what actually happened. This show is so good at the unfolding plot, but that is the mindset of Chrisjen.


The pill the Martian interrogator took helps the Martian focus on the prisoner's responses to questions. Like a lie detector test in your mind instead of a machine. Notice that he always started with personal questions likely recorded in Holden and Naomi's files. These were baseline questions to help establish how they each reacted when responding truthfully. Then the Martian moved on to random questions and studied how they each responded in their faces and hands and other body language. I do love how the interrogations allowed us to get to know some of these characters' histories in a smart way. We learn that Naomi is highly educated but took courses on her own and tested through her education. We learn that Shed isn't a real medic is on the run from drug dealers so he has a past. We learn that Alex is a Martian and used to be Martian Navy for 2 decades. We learn that Holden used to be in Earth's UN Navy, took exception to Belter inequality by quitting and becoming a conscientious objector, and we learn that he grew up the son of an 8-person polyamorous family/marriage. It was very clever writing.