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brain went bloop 


The Guardian.mov


Lina Krouford

Well, now Nikita reminds me of Angel. Thanks, Van lol Yey! You recognized Stan Lee! I SO did not expect this to happen. I mean, I know you're barely familiar with Marvel. And how could I forget Bianca Lawson? :) Yes, Kendra was there too! Yeah, Roan is really scary. The way he can just calmly kill people... Well, that's really creepy. You're right about Owen. He IS stubborn. Annoyingly stubborn lol. But for his defense, he doesn't know Nikita as a person. The only person he cared for was Emily. And when he said "I don't care", i think he meant that after Emily's death, everything has lost all meaning for him. I mean, he wasn't even loyal to Percy. The moment he thought Emily was in dangerous he ran away. Michael's face when Percy referred Owen as Nikita's boyfriend was really amazing. It gets me every time :) Well, the moment with Alex and Thom was weird and awkward. You're not wrong. I will tell more about that situation later :) Yeah, Birkoff is kind of a vindictive person. Of course, he can change. Or he can stay the same. But he basically wanted to frame Jaden just because she was rude to him earlier. Poor Jaden. Glad Michael was here :)

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I think Kendra was a bigger cameo for you than Stan Lee. She definitely was for me😂😄👍🏽 Love Buffy!