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Lord of the Pi's.mov



I like this kind of conflict between Logan and Veronica because I can see both sides, but I feel really bad for Logan. Veronica has suffered a lot, but at least she had the benefit of a happy life and loving parents before Lilly died. Logan never had that foundation, and with all the horror he experienced, he's an orphan with no support system. Logan doesn't have a Keith or a Mac or a Wallace, so he desperately clings to Veronica even while she's pushing him away. Veronica owes him an explanation if only because she would demand that of him... or anyone really.

Alexis Cardarella

The more I watch this, the more I’m inclined to understand where Logan was coming from. He should have straight up told her though- even if it meant Veronica wanting nothing to do with him.. How did he think that was going to play out.. a bodyguard following her in secret? She’s a detective for christ’s sake. Also, on a different note: Chip is a pig, undoubtedly, he condones rape culture, etc- but what happened to him was assault- and I felt it wasn’t treated as such. That irked me.