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Anything that tells you a character is still around in the future is a spoiler... takes away from all suspense if the character is ever in trouble.


Dawn kinda fully embodies the word "potential," moreso than the actual Potentials do. Like you said, she's shown herself to be really adept at fighting even with zero superpowers. And in CWDP, one of my favorite things about her scenes was how determined and ballsy she was performing magic, which is essential to that skillset in this universe. And most of all, she's been super keen on learning about the supernatural and contributing through research since early season 5. She's followed in Giles' footsteps more than anyone if you ask me.  If anything, being a potential slayer limits her potential, because being a slayer is (like Anya points out) a death sentence. Dawn just wanted to be one because she felt left out, a feeling that is central to her character.