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Habeas Corpses.mov



I’m not a zombie fan, but I really like this episode. As you noted, it felt different and cinematic, which was great, but I also love that they used the zombies not for gore, but instead for amplifying the tensions that already simmering between the characters. Gunn and Connor came off the best. Wesley came off the worst — dude, back off. Fred is in a relationship. With someone who used to be your BFF. Until the end with Angel. I hate that Angel is acting like a jealous, jilted boyfriend when he should be concerned about his vulnerable teenage son, and why Cordelia would do that. Bad dad, Angel. Bad dad. But also, LILAH. I’m not ready to talk about that.


Is he though? He didn't wait a single second to save Connor from the volcano-lava dude after hearing the news. The only persons he was bitter towards and reprimanded was Cordelia.


Lilah may be an evil bitch but I love her with my entire heart and want to protect her. Not that she needs protecting.


Lilah is one of my favorite Buffyverse characters. She's a character that may slowly grow on you, until you suddenly realize, omg I love Lilah -- when did that happen? For me, it was sometime in S2 when I grew so tired of Lindsey's petty BS with Angel, but it was cemented when she started wooing Wesley, and we got to see more layers and vulnerability.