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Mulan carrying the fattest meat in all of China.

As promised another merge, hands look fantastic so does the face, it now can do military backgrounds (sort of) and cosplaying is there (just tested mulan so far).

What are my criteria for merging?

If I type something I MUST get that something, if I type asian, I must get asian, If I type ocean I must get ocean, if I type military I must get military and so on.

There must be strands of hair visible from a far.

It must not contain film grain (cheap way of making images 'realistic'), why cheap? because not sure about anyone's eyes but IRL I don't see grain, AT ALL, everything to me is smooth, the only time we see grain is on PHOTOS, I want to mimic what my eyes see not what a camera sees.

It must understand cosplaying to a T, mulan here looks delicious, that's good! more testing is required here, also more bitching (sort of)...

Let's make it simple so everyone can understand, unless we buddies...

If you ask me something that takes me an hour to make, I will charge you.

If you writte a code that takes 30min-1min to make, you will charge someone.

If you park your car for 20 minutes you WILL be charged (unless free spot).

A prostitute charges for the hour.

The guy who didn't need to fix anything on your house that you called still charges just for the visit, let's say all it took him was 40 minutes.

YOU typed these words in your computer, with YOUR computer, YOUR electricity, on YOUR house, thereof your AI ART FUCKING BELONGS TO YOU, watermark your shit, I should NOT be saying this because I would be creating competition, but I'm not THAT evil, I want people to express themseves through art.

Also heck not even if you used your computer, say you paying monthly to a farm, are really really not gonna claim these works as your when YOU paid to generate it? c'mon.



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