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Hey guys, how you doing? propably some of you are wondering what's going on with me? well, as some of you know this year was pretty heavy on my personal life ,a member of my family who i loved so much pass away recently, i spened her last moments with her the last month , but well, life is life, every journey has an end, and i have to be strong for the whats yet to come.

i want to thanks for all your messages, wishes and good vibe that i recieve from some many of you guys, i really appreciate it!

i'll post some work that i saved , and of course suggestions will be open this time if you want to suggest something , thanks for you support guys, and thanks for keep with me in this difficult time!



oh man parv i had no idea! 😖. im sorry man. im just glad youre ok and if i can help out in any way dont hesitate to ask! 👍🏻


Sorry to hear that. My condolences to you and your family. But don't fret. Things WILL get better. Just give it time, and remember, it's always darkest before the dawn. Good things will come. Just stay faithful and God will see it through. Stay strong, friend!🙏💪🏿


I'm sorry man. Wishing you all the best, take all the time you need, we'll be here for you ❤️


Wow guys, thanks a lot for your word! you have no idea how good it makes me feel ! thank you!