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hey guys! i want to thanks to all of those who support me this month! maybe some of you known about what happend to me this month, i was dealing with a guy who tried to hack some of my accounts (including my bank account) , but i'm lucky to have a WONDERFUL persons who support and give me some advices to deal with this, i want to give them an special thank you to understand and help me in this annoying moment ,thank you so much for you support again, wait for more content and i wan to announce something big, THE SEXY JOKE will back on JUNE with new lewd pages and maybe with little changes courtese of M & J whos helped me with the script and scenes ,i don't know if you want to be mentioned by your names guys but thank you for all you help! other thing i want to do these days is the second MILF poll (delayed for my personal problems). 

with nothing more to say, THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS!

the characters on this pics in order:

-Anya,19 - Katelynn,41 - Jenn,21 




hot dayum!!!! with an emphasis on the HOT! 🤩🤩🤩


Hey mate. Amazing artworks as usual, and fantastic news that you got help dealing with the bastard hackers messing with your stuff! Looks to be a sexy summer with Jenn and the girls! Can't wait to see the levels of awesome that will come with new pages of TSJ! Keep up the fantastic work! Cheers.

David Mason

Glad everything worked out man!


🥳 been waiting. Looking forward to more SJ2